Washington DC

Price changes
western404 62 Reviews 255 reads

What has happened to me a couple times (both with independents) is that, in one case I made an appointment two weeks in advance and, unbeknownst to me, she changed the rate on her web site in-between our making the appointment and meeting; and in the second case, the lady had multiple postings and the prices were not consistent.  It was amicably resolved and in both cases the lady honored the rate in the ad/website I had seen, but it was awkward.  Most recently, I was working on making an appointment with someone new but instantly popular, and I noticed as we were firming up plans, she raised her rate by 40%. I emailed her asking for clarification, and never heard back from her, and never met here.

Posted By: traveler1989
Had an interesting experience earlier with a great agency I would like to continue doing business with. Texted the booking manager specifically asking for service A, all went well. When the appointment was over the provider noticed that my charity didn't match what her manager was expecting. She showed me her text conversation with her boss and it showed I had been scheduled for service B. Uh oh.  
 I think she had a Galaxy Edge 7, damn nice phone.  
 The provider was very patient and she actually CALLED the booking manager on the spot. Internally I freaked out a little, mostly because on this agency's website there is written in huge red letters "do not discuss philanthropy in situ." Not wanting to be immediately blacklisted by this agency and many others I tried to explain in coded hobbyspeak that there must have been some misunderstanding in the appointment, though the manager said that they immediately delete all communication Mission Impossible style and was unable to verify: she was like, "uhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Uh oh.  
 Luckily I was able to use my encrypted NSA backdoor and retrieve the text from my own phone, because I didn't delete it yet, because I'm not married and don't really care, which I emailed to the manager after the appointment, and now we're all squared away.  
 There have been threads on the meaning of the cryptic service terminology that is prevalent in this area, makes me wonder if it's all made up and the agencies themselves aren't entirely sure. Maybe it was a booking manager that posted that thread.

Had an interesting experience earlier with a great agency I would like to continue doing business with. Texted the booking manager specifically asking for service A, all went well. When the appointment was over the provider noticed that my charity didn't match what her manager was expecting. She showed me her text conversation with her boss and it showed I had been scheduled for service B. Uh oh.

I think she had a Galaxy Edge 7, damn nice phone.

The provider was very patient and she actually CALLED the booking manager on the spot. Internally I freaked out a little, mostly because on this agency's website there is written in huge red letters "do not discuss philanthropy in situ." Not wanting to be immediately blacklisted by this agency and many others I tried to explain in coded hobbyspeak that there must have been some misunderstanding in the appointment, though the manager said that they immediately delete all communication Mission Impossible style and was unable to verify: she was like, "uhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Uh oh.

Luckily I was able to use my encrypted NSA backdoor and retrieve the text from my own phone, because I didn't delete it yet, because I'm not married and don't really care, which I emailed to the manager after the appointment, and now we're all squared away.

There have been threads on the meaning of the cryptic service terminology that is prevalent in this area, makes me wonder if it's all made up and the agencies themselves aren't entirely sure. Maybe it was a booking manager that posted that thread.

What has happened to me a couple times (both with independents) is that, in one case I made an appointment two weeks in advance and, unbeknownst to me, she changed the rate on her web site in-between our making the appointment and meeting; and in the second case, the lady had multiple postings and the prices were not consistent.  It was amicably resolved and in both cases the lady honored the rate in the ad/website I had seen, but it was awkward.  Most recently, I was working on making an appointment with someone new but instantly popular, and I noticed as we were firming up plans, she raised her rate by 40%. I emailed her asking for clarification, and never heard back from her, and never met here.

Posted By: traveler1989
Had an interesting experience earlier with a great agency I would like to continue doing business with. Texted the booking manager specifically asking for service A, all went well. When the appointment was over the provider noticed that my charity didn't match what her manager was expecting. She showed me her text conversation with her boss and it showed I had been scheduled for service B. Uh oh.  
 I think she had a Galaxy Edge 7, damn nice phone.  
 The provider was very patient and she actually CALLED the booking manager on the spot. Internally I freaked out a little, mostly because on this agency's website there is written in huge red letters "do not discuss philanthropy in situ." Not wanting to be immediately blacklisted by this agency and many others I tried to explain in coded hobbyspeak that there must have been some misunderstanding in the appointment, though the manager said that they immediately delete all communication Mission Impossible style and was unable to verify: she was like, "uhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Uh oh.  
 Luckily I was able to use my encrypted NSA backdoor and retrieve the text from my own phone, because I didn't delete it yet, because I'm not married and don't really care, which I emailed to the manager after the appointment, and now we're all squared away.  
 There have been threads on the meaning of the cryptic service terminology that is prevalent in this area, makes me wonder if it's all made up and the agencies themselves aren't entirely sure. Maybe it was a booking manager that posted that thread.

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