Newbie - FAQ

Stars are based on the average of the providers ratings. A provider must...
xyz23 45 Reviews 262 reads

...have at least 5 reviews before stars are awarded. Higher the average of her ratings the more stars.

What is the difference between the numbered ratings and the stars given a particular provider? Why do some providers have 2 to 5 stars and some have no stars. What do the stars signify.

...have at least 5 reviews before stars are awarded. Higher the average of her ratings the more stars.

The provider's rating avg. is indicated by the color of the stars.


Seriously, this is the first I'm hearing about stars lol!    

Where are they, how do I see my own or others'?  Is there a tutorial or the like regarding these?

Just when I think I'm really starting to get the hang of this site and how the review system works, I now realize that I likely don't know half as much  as I thought I did!!    
Ah well... these sorts of instances help to keep me humble and always open to learning more!  

Complacency is a dangerous thing!  ;- have 4 fully colored (gold) stars and one point of the 5th star is gold.

The stars are also to the far right of your name on the Chicago Top 100 list.

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