Erotic Humor

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Welcome to TER's Erotic Humor discussion board - the place to post jokes or anything else you think is funny.

Please note, this is a unmoderated forum. What others find humorous, you may not. If you are thin skinned or otherwise easily offended, proceed with caution.

That said, have fun!


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Bonerlicious12192 reads
Bonerdacious14084 reads
Boner The Boy Ho13188 reads
BonerBoyLuvs2LickPussy13929 reads
BonerBoy11827 reads
ILuv2HumpNaughtyAliAllDay12508 reads
BonerBoy You Horny Devil11305 reads
The Boner16217 reads
Boner Appetit12232 reads
BonerBoyTheBootyFucker12710 reads
BonerBoy The Porn Stud12064 reads
Bonerrifc11025 reads
I Love Hot Busty Blondes14915 reads
BonerBoy Your Male Bitch15208 reads
Bonerdacious13529 reads
Bonermedian14457 reads
crash bang boom14113 reads
BonerBoy13107 reads
Boner Claus12885 reads
Boner Claus15266 reads
Boner Claus14573 reads
BonerBoyUSexaholic13646 reads
Boner Claus15426 reads
Bonerlicious10145 reads
fortitude15759 reads
fortitude11080 reads
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