Erotic Humor

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Welcome to TER's Erotic Humor discussion board - the place to post jokes or anything else you think is funny.

Please note, this is a unmoderated forum. What others find humorous, you may not. If you are thin skinned or otherwise easily offended, proceed with caution.

That said, have fun!


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Lt_FrankDrebin429 reads
bushyannette784 reads
Lt_FrankDrebin311 reads
CENZO1490 reads
CENZO1488 reads
mrfisher845 reads
CENZO1319 reads
CENZO1886 reads
Lt_FrankDrebin313 reads
CENZO1507 reads
CENZO11904 reads
Lt_FrankDrebin318 reads
CENZO1323 reads
mrfisher319 reads
Lt_FrankDrebin320 reads
Lt_FrankDrebin661 reads
AlexaEason2396 reads
impposter368 reads
CENZO1348 reads
Lt_FrankDrebin351 reads
impposter369 reads
LAYLAHAYEK1028 reads
Lt_FrankDrebin349 reads
luisn10710 reads
CENZO1620 reads
CENZO1586 reads
CENZO1712 reads
vibrantcheetah827 reads
CENZO11200 reads
QueenBia364 reads
CENZO1887 reads
CENZO1712 reads
Lt_FrankDrebin805 reads
CENZO1810 reads
CENZO1816 reads
bushyannette897 reads
CENZO1915 reads
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