TER General Board

Yessssss -e-
NaomiGrey See my TER Reviews 396 reads


(please copy and paste the answers into your post and re-order them to suit your preference. Please don't just put a, c, f, b, etc.! It will make it so much easier for everyone to read. :) And feel free to expand on your answers!)

Gents and lady hobbyists: What's most important to you to book the first date?

a) looks (photos)- face
b) looks (photos)- body
c) ability to communicate
d) website presentation, photo quality, writing style on site
e) chemistry (or potential chemistry- you feel like you click before you even meet)
f) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)
g) reviews- attitude
h) reviews- performance
i) reviews- looks
j) reviews- menu
k) ethnicity
l) age
m) height
n) weight
o) board presence/posts
p) apparent intelligence or wit
q) back-channel info
r) something else?

Gents and lady hobbyists: What's most important to you to book the second date?

a) looks- face
b) looks- body (incl. age, height, weight)
c) ability to communicate- well spoken, diplomatic, can carry on a conversation, etc.
d) chemistry (you really clicked!)
e) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)
f) menu
g) performance/technique
h) attitude
i) her presentation in person (dress, make-up, hair, way she carried herself, manners, hygiene)
j) matched her photos/performance scores/menu items
k) personality
l) intelligence or wit
m) something else?
n) I don't book second dates.

Ladies: What's most important to book the first date?

a) communication- how he/she approaches you and what he/she writes/says
b) following directions on your website
c) ease of screening
d) # of reviews  
e) how reviews are written
f) that he/she has no reviews
g) chemistry (or potential chemistry- you feel like you click before you even meet)
h) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)
i) age
j) references
k) ethnicity
l) board presence/posts
m) occupation
n) length of date requested
o) apparent intelligence or wit
p) something else?

Ladies: What's most important to book the second date?

a) communication in person
b) gave gift or tip in addition to rate
c) matched his/her communication/screening
d) performance/technique  
e) his/her presentation in person (dress, make-up, hair, way he/she carried themselves, manners)
f) that he/she reviews
g) that he/she doesn't review
h) chemistry (you really clicked!)
i) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)
j) appearance
k) went less time
l) attitude
m) hygiene
n) personality
o) intelligence or wit
p) something else

Are you kidding?  

Don't you know that

JakeFromStateFarm419 reads

I took one look at that looooooooong list of criteria and bagged it.

FatVern521 reads

1. I can't recall the last time I read a review.

2. The last website I viewed, the lady was deep throating a toy. That got my attention.

3. I can't remember the last time I saw someone with a website or a review.

4. Looks are far less important to me, than a certain look is.

Gents and lady hobbyists: What's most important to you to book the first date?  

l) age  
a) looks (photos)- face  
b) looks (photos)- body  
h) reviews- performance  
i) reviews- looks  
j) reviews- menu  
k) ethnicity  

I'm basic. Not a whore connoisseur yet.

first date  

1.  looks
2.  rate
3.  reviews
4.  communication

2nd date

1. chemistry
2.  chemistry
3.  chemistry

(this assumes of course that nos. 1-4 of first date criteria are satisfactory)

Question number 1:  Ability to communicate is key.  At this point for me, most of the ladies I see for the first time I've already met at hobby events such as M&G's, which is my primary method in deciding who to see.  This is nowhere near absolute, though...high level reviews, board presence, exchanging PM's on various topics here, building up interest.  For me, it almost always turns out right.  :)

As for second and subsequent meetings...chemistry is key.  If you like her, and she likes you in the hobby context, this can develop into relationships that can last indefinitely.  At least it has for me, and the journey here has lasted for a dozen years.  I still see the lady I originally met as a newbie all those years ago still burns as bright, and you know her.

Posted By: SoftlySarah
(please copy and paste the answers into your post and re-order them to suit your preference. Please don't just put a, c, f, b, etc.! It will make it so much easier for everyone to read. :) And feel free to expand on your answers!)  
 Gents and lady hobbyists: What's most important to you to book the first date?  
 a) looks (photos)- face  
 b) looks (photos)- body  
 c) ability to communicate  
 d) website presentation, photo quality, writing style on site  
 e) chemistry (or potential chemistry- you feel like you click before you even meet)  
 f) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)  
 g) reviews- attitude  
 h) reviews- performance  
 i) reviews- looks  
 j) reviews- menu  
 k) ethnicity  
 l) age  
 m) height  
 n) weight  
 o) board presence/posts  
 p) apparent intelligence or wit  
 q) back-channel info  
 r) something else?  
 Gents and lady hobbyists: What's most important to you to book the second date?  
 a) looks- face  
 b) looks- body (incl. age, height, weight)  
 c) ability to communicate- well spoken, diplomatic, can carry on a conversation, etc.  
 d) chemistry (you really clicked!)  
 e) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)  
 f) menu  
 g) performance/technique  
 h) attitude  
 i) her presentation in person (dress, make-up, hair, way she carried herself, manners, hygiene)  
 j) matched her photos/performance scores/menu items  
 k) personality  
 l) intelligence or wit  
 m) something else?  
 n) I don't book second dates.  
 Ladies: What's most important to book the first date?  
 a) communication- how he/she approaches you and what he/she writes/says  
 b) following directions on your website  
 c) ease of screening  
 d) # of reviews  
 e) how reviews are written  
 f) that he/she has no reviews  
 g) chemistry (or potential chemistry- you feel like you click before you even meet)  
 h) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)  
 i) age  
 j) references  
 k) ethnicity  
 l) board presence/posts  
 m) occupation  
 n) length of date requested  
 o) apparent intelligence or wit  
 p) something else?  
 Ladies: What's most important to book the second date?  
 a) communication in person  
 b) gave gift or tip in addition to rate  
 c) matched his/her communication/screening  
 d) performance/technique  
 e) his/her presentation in person (dress, make-up, hair, way he/she carried themselves, manners)  
 f) that he/she reviews  
 g) that he/she doesn't review  
 h) chemistry (you really clicked!)  
 i) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)  
 j) appearance  
 k) went less time  
 l) attitude  
 m) hygiene  
 n) personality  
 o) intelligence or wit  
 p) something else?  
-- Modified on 6/14/2016 5:26:06 AM

What's most important to book the first date?  
a) Communication  
b) Following my booking instructions  
c) Ease of screening  
j) References/verification
o) Apparent intelligence or wit  
g) Chemistry  
e) Reviews commentary - I ignore inquirers who have written a noteworthy amount of disparaging reviews or include hateful, misogynist language
l) Board presence - Again, when a hobbyist reveals an antagonistic disposition towards women, I'll avoid engaging.  
k) Race and ethnicity are completely irrelevant. In fact the only "NBA" rule I abide by is NO BIGOTS ALLOWED.  

What's most important to book the second date?  
a) Communication in person  
c) Matched his/her communication/screening
h) Chemistry  
l) Attitude  
n) Personality  
o) Intelligence or wit  
e) His/her presentation in person  
m) Hygiene  
d) Technique  
b) Tip or gift - some of my favorites were kinky toys, Appleton Estate 21 year rum, and Black River single origin Jamaican chocolate ;)  
i) Shared interests - during my first date in the demimonde, the sweet gent I was entertaining asked me about my love of Sci-fi. We started nerding out! I had recently finished reading a spectacular Octavia E. Butler novel and was excited to share some of the highlights and he shared some Ursula K. Le Guin titles for me to check out. Moments later, we resumed our playtime. Ah, the desire for human connection is so nuanced.

Gents and lady hobbyists: What's most important to you to book the first date?  
 b) looks (photos)- body ............. If I am not attracted to her body nothing else matters.... sorry!!
 a) looks (photos)- face .............. When you can see her face it is extremely important...... sorry!!
 n) weight ........... Not the number or the dress/pant size but how proportioned. I believe a woman can be 25 pounds overweight and still look gorgeous, just as she can very thin, just not too thin.
 e) chemistry (or potential chemistry- you feel like you click before you even meet) ....... This is actually #1 but I am not concerned about the chemistry if I am not attracted to her body and face if I can see it. However, if we communicate prior to meeting up and it appears the chemistry will be off then I would cancel but always cancel outside of 48 hours, that is why chemistry is so important.
 d) website presentation, photo quality, writing style on site ......... shares plenty about her.
 l) age  
 c) ability to communicate...... need to see professionalism and interest which many do not have  
 h) reviews - performance...... even though this is a matter of opinion, repetition will give a clear picture which is why it often difficult when deciding to see someone with no or few reviews
 j) reviews - menu......... this can be tough as well because of the old YMMV
 g) reviews - attitude....... I take this with a grain of salt unless there are multiple poor reviews  
 f) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)... only important if I am planning  a multiple hour date, if only an hour then this is not a factor at all  
 p) apparent intelligence or wit ........ again only important in multiple hour dates
 i) reviews- looks........ no factor as I have seen someone where I give a 9 and see a reviewer give a 6 and I have seen a few where they turn out to be a 6 maybe a 7 and I have seen others give her a 10 so this is irrelevant to me  
 k) ethnicity........ no factor at all
 m) height......... I am 6'5 so this is no factor no matter how tall or short  
 o) board presence/posts .......... no factor at all
 q) back-channel info .......... I do not communicate regularly with anyone so no factor at all
 r) something else? ......... this took too long to think about anything else
 Gents and lady hobbyists: What's most important to you to book the second date?  
 d) chemistry (you really clicked!) ....... once I have seen her no matter how beautiful and sexy if there is not great chemistry there is no second date
 g) performance/technique ......... all part of chemistry
 h) attitude .......... all part of chemistry
 k) personality ...... all part of chemistry
 f) menu ....... there are certain things I want to do but there is a give and take when the chemistry is amazing but I also have my limits on what those things are. If kissing, caressing, and bbbj are not offered there is no second date so technically this is also part of chemistry
 b) looks- body (incl. age, height, weight) ........ must be very much attracted to her body
 a) looks - face ..hopefully she is gorgeous but plain is okay when chemistry and body are awesome
 j) matched her photos/performance scores/menu items ..... lumped in with a few above
 i) her presentation in person (dress, make-up, hair, way she carried herself, manners, hygiene).... this one is tricky because I like little if any clothes upon entrance if it is an in call, if she is coming to me I want her to feel sexy and comfortable walking into my hotel. Make up and hair are not issues, I actually prefer no make up or very little and to me one of the sexiest looks a woman can have is a very wet head with a towel around her walking out of the shower. Hygiene is a given and if not A+ then everything else is a turn off.  
 l) intelligence or wit ....... only important in a date going two hours or more
 c) ability to communicate- well spoken, diplomatic, can carry on a conversation, etc. ..... only important on dates going two hours or more
 e) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.) .... only important on dates two hours or more
 m) something else? ....... too much going on here to think about anything else to add
 n) I don't book second dates...... if chemistry is great along with body, face, and performance there will be second, third, fourth, etc...... dates.


(Thanks for the inclusiveness, Sarah! Muah!)

Gents and lady hobbyists: What's most important to you to book the first date?  
a) looks (photos)- face  
b) looks (photos)- body  
r) obvious bisexuality
c) ability to communicate  
e) chemistry (or potential chemistry- you feel like you click before you even meet)
d) website presentation, photo quality, writing style on site  
 g) reviews- attitude

Gents and lady hobbyists: What's most important to you to book the second date?  

d) chemistry (you really clicked!)  
h) attitude  
g) performance/technique
l) intelligence or wit  
k) personality
a) looks- face  
b) looks- body (incl. age, height, weight)   i) her presentation in person (dress, make-up, hair, way she carried herself, manners, hygiene)  
j) matched her photos/performance scores/menu item

b) looks (photos)- body  
j) reviews- menu
h) reviews- performance
i) reviews- looks  
d) website presentation, photo quality, writing style on site  
g) reviews- attitud

a) Rate
b) looks (photos)- face  
c) looks (photos)- body  
d) weight  
d) reviews- performance  
e) age
f) reviews- menu reviews- attitude  
h) ability to communicate  
i) reviews- looks  
j) chemistry (or potential chemistry- you feel like you click before you even meet)  
k) ethnicity  
l) website presentation, photo quality, writing style on site  
m) height  
n) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)
o) board presence/posts  
p) apparent intelligence or wit  
q) back-channel info  
r) something else?

It comes down to chemistry and physics.  Chemistry is the personality, attitude and connection.  Physics is the physical aspect, including kissing, mutual oral, and fucking.  If the "science" is right, I might just become regular.  However, the most important thing to do first is go to the bank and cash a check.

Ladies: What's most important to book the first date?  

c) ease of screening  

a) communication- how he/she approaches you and what he/she writes/says  

o) apparent intelligence or wit  

g) chemistry (or potential chemistry- you feel like you click before you even meet

b) following directions on your website  

e) how reviews are written

n) length of date requested

h) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)  

l) board presence/posts

 f) that he/she has no reviews

 d) # of reviews  

 j) references  
m) occupation  

i) age  

Ladies: What's most important to book the second date?  
m) hygiene  

c) matched his/her communication/screening  

o) intelligence or wit  

l) attitude  

n) personality  

h) chemistry (you really clicked!)  

e) his/her presentation in person (dress, make-up, hair, way he/she carried themselves, manners)  

j) appearance  

d) performance/technique  

i) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)  

 a) communication in person  

 b) gave gift or tip in addition to rate  
k) went less time  

f) that he/she reviews  
p) something else?  

g) that he/she doesn't revie

ATLDAWG555 reads

I am getting a headache !  All of this is like reading the instructions to a product made in China!!!

Might be better to just go jerk off !

I didn't make up the poll, just answered.

Continue on with JO but know it would NEVER compare to sharing my company 😘


Posted By: ATLDAWG
I am getting a headache !  All of this is like reading the instructions to a product made in China!!!  
 Might be better to just go jerk off !

more often than not a lady blurs/hides her face in her photos... not available for decision making on the first date.

Ladies: What's most important to book the first date?  
 a) Initial communication- how he/she approaches you and what he/she writes/says  
 b) following directions on your website  
 c) ease of screening
 n) length of date requested  
 o) apparent intelligence or wit  

 Ladies: What's most important to book the second date?  
 c) matched his/her initial communication/screening  
 e) his/her presentation in person (dress, make-up, hair, way he/she carried themselves, manners)
 m) hygiene  
 n) personality
 a) communication in person  
 o) intelligence or wi

Chemistry above all else...potential for a first date, actual for a second...

What's most important to me to book the first date?

a) looks (photos)- face
b) looks (photos)- body
really a+b....then
l) age
q) back-channel info
c) ease of screening
d) # of reviews  
g) reviews- attitude
j) reviews- menu
p) apparent intelligence or wit
o) board presence/posts
c) ability to communicate
d) website presentation, photo quality, writing style on site
( c, d, o, and p all go hand-in-hand)
e) chemistry (or potential chemistry- you feel like you click before you even meet)
h) reviews- performance
k) ethnicity

What's most important to me to book the second date?

j) matched her photos/performance scores/menu items
i) her presentation in person (dress, make-up, hair, way she carried herself, manners, hygiene)
h) attitude
e) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)
d) chemistry (you really clicked!)
g) performance/technique
k) personality
l) intelligence or wit
c) ability to communicate- well spoken, diplomatic, can carry on a conversation, etc

Skyfyre578 reads

For FIRST date:

a)  looks- body (incl. age, height, weight): sorry but fat is non-negotiable deal-breaker
b)  donation: self-explanatory
c)  reviews: menu
d)  reviews: attitude
e)  reviews: performance
f)  reviews: looks
g)  age

The rest are either tied or non-consequential

For SECOND date:

a)  chemistry
b)  throuh h) same order as above

Yup. I had to add "rate" to my list

Posted By: Skyfyre
For FIRST date:  
 a)  looks- body (incl. age, height, weight): sorry but fat is non-negotiable deal-breaker  
 b)  donation: self-explanatory  
 c)  reviews: menu  
 d)  reviews: attitude  
 e)  reviews: performance  
 f)  reviews: looks  
 g)  age  
 The rest are either tied or non-consequential  
 For SECOND date:  
 a)  chemistry  
 b)  throuh h) same order as above.  

Gents and lady hobbyists: What's most important to you to book the first date?
a) looks (photos)- face & b) looks (photos)- body
g) reviews- attitude & h) reviews- performance  
r) something else--price point
j) reviews- menu [certain items are deal breakers]
r) something else--availability when I want to see them
l) age--within reason; not sure I want to see a 18-20 yo or a lady past her prime
d) website presentation, photo quality, writing style on site
o) board presence/posts & c) ability to communicate [no texting slang]
e) chemistry (or potential chemistry- you feel like you click before you even meet
p) apparent intelligence or wit
q) back-channel info
Next 3 tied for last
f) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)
k) ethnicity
m) height
n) weight [covered by appearance]
i) reviews- looks [I can see the pics on her website]

Gents and lady hobbyists: What's most important to you to book the second date?
c) ability to communicate- well spoken, diplomatic, can carry on a conversation, etc. & d) chemistry (you really clicked!)
h) attitude & k) personality
a) looks- face  
b) looks- body (incl. age, height, weight)
i) her presentation in person (dress, make-up, hair, way she carried herself, manners, hygiene)
j) matched her photos/performance scores/menu items
g) performance/technique
m) something else--She showed a caring attitude and demeanor towards me
Last three tied  
l) intelligence or wit
f) menu
e) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)
n) I don't book second dates--unless the above happe

Ladies: What's most important to book the first date?
a) communication- how he/she approaches you and what he/she writes/says [I adore people who make an effort to introduce themselves. I once had a couple who each wrote an essay about themselves and why they were seeking my company together. They were so beautifully written!! We are still fast friends to this day.]
b) following directions on your website

c) ease of screening  
g) chemistry (or potential chemistry- you feel like you click before you even meet) [the introduction helps completely here!]
n) length of date requested [I prefer longer engagements and love to get to know my potential new friends over at least drinks and appetizers, but am partial to a delicious dinner engagement.]
o) apparent intelligence or wit
l) board presence/posts [if they *are* posters on TER or another forum, I love it when their posts are thoughtful, positive, and intelligent. But presence on the forums is not at all essential, and sometimes that they are not here is preferable.]
e) how reviews are written [preferably very respectfully, and like others have posted, if they're misogynistic, I'm not going there.]

Nice but not a deal breaker:
f) that he/she has no reviews  
h) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)
m) occupation [nice if they have one. lol! But sometimes their occupation can be an incredible turn-on- like rocket scientists or physicists or university professors. Yum!]
p) something else? They've indicated that they've read my website, posts, blog, and twitter- that they've researched me and have made a decision to see me based on something beyond the physical. These are the kinds of people I adore and can't wait to meet!

Absolutely unimportant
i) age [of course, as long as they're at least 18!]
j) references [unless your reference is a friend of mine, in which case, it shoots your request to the top of my list]
d) # of reviews  
k) ethnicity [actually, I am a fan of trying all flavors!! But absolutely unimportant in my decision making process]

Ladies: What's most important to book the second date?

e) his/her presentation in person (dress, make-up, hair, way he/she carried themselves, manners)
a) communication in person
c) matched his/her communication/screening
m) hygiene
d) performance/technique [NOT what you think: I don't care about moves or techniques; I DO care if they make an effort to please me too. I abhor one-sided engagements, and will not go out of my way  for one of these guys (even if I do elect to see them on a day when I am doing nothing else). (I say guys because I haven't had any ladies who haven't at least *attempted* to ensure mutual enjoyment of our time together.)]
l) attitude

n) personality & h) chemistry (you really clicked!) [I consider this really special, but interestingly, pretty common in my meetings. I'm very blessed.]
o) intelligence or wit [absolutely nothing sexier than a lover with something between their ears. Seduction for me begins in my mind. Seduce me there, and I'll follow you anywhere!]

i) something in common (a sporting team, pastime, music, etc.)
b) gave gift or tip in addition to rate [come on- what lady doesn't like to be showered with gifts???]

Absolutely not important:
f) that he/she reviews
g) that he/she doesn't review
j) appearance
k) went less time

-- Modified on 6/15/2016 2:20:54 AM

What's most important [in booking a lady for] the first date:

a) looks (photos)- face  
k) ethnicity (white or German or French)
j) reviews- menu (reports of excellent BBBJs given)  
d) website presentation, photo quality, writing style on site  
c) ability to communicate (i.e., intelligent conversationalist)
l) age (at least half my age plus 7 years)
m) height (at least 5' 6")  
n) weight (anything but overweight)    
g) reviews- attitude  
r) something else (fetish-friendly)  
r) something else (the comfort of her residence vs. the horrors of a hotel)
r) something else (doesn't "look like" a pro)

-- Modified on 6/15/2016 12:40:32 PM

k) ethnicity (white or German or French). She is from Hungary. About 5 years ago I met a wonderful provider who was from Russia and again met all your criteria except k). Needless to say, I have enjoyed the company of some wonderful ladies from Brazil as well as other S. American countries.  

Not sure why you limit your selection to only "white or German or French".

was just expressing a few preferences.  
Whatcha think

Yes, I was expressing only a few preferences to keep the line of text short. Whoops, I forgot to include "English".

On the TER Search page, there are 17 categories of Ethnicity. But the searcher is required to pick just one of those for each search. That's frustrating. Why not a CHECKLIST offering all those 17 choices?  

I'm really pretty wide open on ethnicity, but not 100% open. If single selections are the only solution, how about having 2x17=34 choices. The second 17 would reflect the first 17 but be written "Anything But ____."  

I could complete my search with only one run using an "Anything But ____" choice.  

Okay, maybe kinder wording would be "Non-____.

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