TER General Board

Re: I use it all the time and it works great.
VuittonNeverfullGM 754 reads

What an idiot. What's wrong with red bottom shoes and a closet full of designer clothing?  I have a 25k wardrobe of high dollar denim. It's not up to you to decide how a hooker spends her money or is it any of your damn business. That's the problem with some tricks like you. You think you have the right....WRONG

Posted By: rogue
I use twitter all the time, what it does for me, it lets me see behind the curtain.  
     Does she do charity work, do we similar interests, does she do drugs, is she mean spirited, does she flaunt her cash like its a music video, is she wasting her money on a closet of red bottom shoes and purses.  
   Most stuff posted I overlook but when I see a pattern I don't like, I take her off the to do list.

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 11:02:30 AM

I only discovered how widely used it is by providers and clients a few months ago and I wondered how many of you use it in conjunction with reading reviews and adverts on here, to get an idea of who you want to book and their whereabouts?  
@clairecavendish (had to reallly didn't I?)

...from a provider that I recently did a photoshoot with that a lot of providers have migrated there as an additional marketing tool. She even posted a selfie during the shoot to promote upcoming new photos and recommended that I should join myself. I'm still on the fence about it due to their TOS but maybe one day I might give it a try.

I think these types of social media sites can benefit providers as an additional tool and it might give clients another avenue to look into, but they probably won't replace the amount of info. that can be shared or exchanged on review sites like this one

FatVern821 reads

I don't have any personal, or business social media accounts what so ever, and hopefully never will have the need to acquire one.  

In short I never use it

FatVern726 reads

I don't think I'd want to be friends with anyone who would accept myself as a friend.

I've got high standards don't cha know.

...aside from message boards, I do not Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,  or whatever else they call it...

...When I die  if I am reincarnated as a bird  maybe than I will tweet.

It is indiscreet, and if one is involved in this activity, it should be kept away from the kind of broad exposure that social media presents.

I understand that people often do need to have social media for the everyday life, but the better it is kept insulated from the hobby, the better

Check out Oreo's and Taco Bell's - they're both known to have the best online social media departments.

Now, I have a few guys who I see a lot, who tell me I'm giving free entertainment to a very diverse crowd. But I also make a pretty penny on there.

My bills are paid, food is on the table, clothes on my back, and unfortunately, if someone decides I'm not discreet by marketing in the way I feel is best at this point of my career, then there's the door to many, many beautiful women who do not use social media. Who - most likely - charge less than me lol!

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 1:03:50 PM

How could a prolific reviewer like you possibly say Twitter is indiscrete?

I mean I see how you can say it. We are all capable of talking out of both sides of our mouths.  

But you do see how this is inconsistent, right?

Also your statement is kind of along the lines of "I'd prefer that a gal I see not even charge money..."

We are here to make bank. And live out some fantasies. And really, Twitter clients are some of THE BEST clients.

Oh well. I still like you.

FatVern742 reads

I think indiscretion is being misinterpreted.

Social media in and of itself is indiscrete. Therefore being on sm is indiscrete.

using their Twitter fingers.

I understand how people can grow to love these SM devices, but that only adds to their perniciousness.   I'd even dare compare them to drugs like crack in terms of addiction if not overall harm.

I like you as well, but if I have to be a voice in the wilderness, so be it

now don't tell anyone

damn, that candy sure is good


You're right though mrfisher,    
       Social Media has a big mouth.

Senator.Blutarsky779 reads

...I have to disagree with them on this point. I do use twitter and find it very useful in determining whether a gal I'm considering is simpatico with me. Besides the great pics, you get an idea of their personality which is a key factor IMHO.  

The other thing about twitter is while there are a lot of people on it, very few of them tweet. A lot of lurkers, just like here.  


I have a playtime Twitter account and I've found that there are a bunch of smart, sassy & sexy women out there. I think it's a good marketing tool. It's another way to show aspects of your personality - a lot of people tweet somewhat random things that interest them, not just sex or pics. Some people are wickedly funny. I follow both providers and clients, as long as they're interesting people.  (OK, I do follow some providers just for their pics, even if they're not stimulating anything above my waist.) I haven't seen any of them yet, but it heightens my interest. (Most are also out of my area, some are out of my budget, a few are out of my league ....)

I keep Mr. Spork's Twitter account completely separate from my work Twitter, and only use it via Tor so that the feeds don't cross. I never go into the account via the Twitter app on my phone or iPad - I only use those for work. I don't think Twitter does anywhere near the data mining that Facebook or LinkedIn do. I've also found that I'm more relaxed with my playtime account, some I'm getting a better sense of how to use Twitter in general.

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 8:19:22 AM

FatVern663 reads

Won't LE get savvy enough, to at least catch the low hanging fruit with social media stings

TER: A massive amount of contact info and written testimony regarding illegal acts that's completely mainstream at this point Every expose namechecks TER. This isn't a secret place.

So for sure, be wary of the intrusiveness of social media in the sense that if you let it, it will try to connect your real life data. But that's true of your email and apps already. If you aren't taking the steps to be secure about that, then social media is just hastening the process.

But don't pretend that TER is safe from intrusion and social media is not. We are all very much out there.

You do realize who you're replying to in this thread, right? Vern is one of our top SPOTY candidates annually.

FatVern794 reads

If find it odd that men who write a good number of reviews 50+. Like to take issue over things I say, along with many of the responses to what I post.

I'm just not used to dealing with um individuals the "caliber" of you. Capiche?

FatVern701 reads

I'd think that you'd have better things to do

GaGambler437 reads

What's an extra 15 seconds or so to point out the fact you are an idiot?

FatVern598 reads

I think he'd be busy writing reviews, or seeing ladies.

Who reviews every date?

Posted By: GaGambler
What's an extra 15 seconds or so to point out the fact you are an idiot?
Why do you have an opinion on the matter?

This shows what an idiot you truly are. Probably 80% of my dates are repeats and I've updated a review twice. I'd guess maybe 20% of my dates garner a review. You truly are a moron. Oh. And I did just a date meaning I've already had more today than you did all of 2016.

FatVern497 reads

What are you trying to defend?

Posted By: USGrantlover
This shows what an idiot you truly are. Probably 80% of my dates are repeats and I've updated a review twice. I'd guess maybe 20% of my dates garner a review. You truly are a moron. Oh. And I did just a date meaning I've already had more today than you did all of 2016.
If I were a TV shrink I'd say you are showing signs of insecurity.

Also you are agreeing with the fact I said not everyone reviews every date, try to comprehend the written word once in a while.

My bad. Why am I interacting with the resident village idiot? Won't happen again.

...you've had 800 "dates" in 5 years, an average of 3 dates a week.  And that's not even including all your "repeats."  At the rate you're going, including repeats, you would have had to see one woman a day, every...single...day for the last five years.

Is it possible?  Yes.  Is it probable?  No.  I call bullshit.

Math...not USGrantlover's best friend.  You might want to break out your abacus and try again.

And it's prolly less than 20% when you take into account all the evenings with multi-ladies. And it's been longer than five years more like seven. Don't display your envy so vividly.  

Oh. And guess what? Who really gives a crap what you think? Don't you have a lady to bully off the boards? Just sayin'

...did he see all those women?  You, as much as anyone, talk about fake reviews...


...How do you know all of his reviews are legit, especially in light of his claim that he only writes reviews for only 20% of the women he sees?  Do the math, GaG.

GaGambler590 reads

His math actually does add up, except for the fact that by his math he really would be reviewing ALL of the women he sees.  

Let's take it one point at a time. He states he only reviews 20% of "his dates", the fact that 80% of them are repeats is really not relevant to that statement, so lets take it at face value. He has 155 reviews, multiply that by five and you have 775 total dates. I believe he said this was over a 7 year period or lets call it 2555 total days. That's roughly a date every three days. I know several people, myself included who have at least one date every three days. So that portion is very believable.

I think you have conflated his statement that 80% of his dates are repeats and that he only reviews 20% of his dates as meaning that he "only reviews 20% of his new dates" THAT would be virtually impossible to do as it would mean 775 new women and 3100 repeats for a total of 3885 total dates in a period of 2555 total days, but that is NOT what he said.

If we want to get VERY nit picky, I suppose this shoots a hole into his statement that he doesn't review every woman he sees, but if he wanted to be nit picky in return he could simply claim that seeing even one woman with EVER reviewing her would still make him technically correct. He still wins his argument.

Not to get all Marikod here, but IMO his statement is perfectly believable despite the clumsy way he may have presented it.

USG has a long track record and has a good rep here. Everything he has told me has been verifiable and accurate.

Now lets look at BP's reputation on the other hand. Ahem. Cough. Cough! COUGH!!!

See the point I am making? :)

Lets say I took four ladies to an exotic locale. Two stayed the first six nights, one stayed all 8 nights and the last one stayed the last 6 nights. Would this count for 26 "dates?" All of course were unreviewed of course. This all all just hypothetical naturally. I'm just curious what the Dean of JDU would think other than the obvious criticism of paying girls to eat, sleep, scuba dive, sky dive, etc...........................

I'm just curious what you think the official "tally" here should be? Thanks sir!

So right off the bat BP is lost as he doesn't know what that even means. LOL

BP is a math whiz however and I think he would conclude that you had 4 dates since you had 4 women.  

At JDU, we measure by the orgasm. No, not the girls O, USG, YOUR orgasms. lol.

So however many times you popped, that is what is officially listed in your transcript at JDU.

And btw, we do make an exception for any money you spend on any "diving" you do with a gal. Unless its muff diving, of course. ;)

FatVern716 reads

I was thinking about setting up the same type of guys they set up on BP, that whole seen will just migrate to civvie social media sites.  

There is also the exchange of money issue, TER is free. I think FB is free, and so is twitter, I think you have to pay for IG, not sure.

I use twitter all the time, what it does for me, it lets me see behind the curtain.
    Does she do charity work, do we similar interests, does she do drugs, is she mean spirited, does she flaunt her cash like its a music video, is she wasting her money on a closet of red bottom shoes and purses.
  Most stuff posted I overlook but when I see a pattern I don't like, I take her off the to do list.

What an idiot. What's wrong with red bottom shoes and a closet full of designer clothing?  I have a 25k wardrobe of high dollar denim. It's not up to you to decide how a hooker spends her money or is it any of your damn business. That's the problem with some tricks like you. You think you have the right....WRONG

Posted By: rogue
I use twitter all the time, what it does for me, it lets me see behind the curtain.  
     Does she do charity work, do we similar interests, does she do drugs, is she mean spirited, does she flaunt her cash like its a music video, is she wasting her money on a closet of red bottom shoes and purses.  
   Most stuff posted I overlook but when I see a pattern I don't like, I take her off the to do list.

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 11:02:30 AM

I used to boycott them and make fun of them, but boy. After putting on that first pair, I felt HOT. Lol!

I do wonder if the gifting and the extra income this year had to do with those red bottoms in my photos. Who knows? All I know is I can walk in them, they're not uncomfortable at all, and I'm definitely not going to say no if someone wants to buy me some lol!!

This last trip I was introduced to an entire new world of designer clothes. I couldn't afford them, but the point is the collection. It takes time to build that wardrobe. It's not an all day every day shopping trip.  

Over time, I've noticed having that bigger selection to choose from in shoes and high end clothing, it really makes the job and putting on the sexy much easier, and less time consuming. Very worth it to me.  

I've also worked in places that relied on donors. A lot of those donors had serious plastic surgery, and designer clothing. Just because someone has designer clothing, doesn't mean they're not doing meaningful things in their lives, or being stupid with their money right?

There isn't anything wrong with it until someone is forfeiting their future or their bills. Or their family over it. Even then, these clients aren't taking us home or looking for a wife. It's a paid date. Lol!  

But if it's not their "thing" and bothers them that much, perhaps they move along. Thank goodness - one lady can't handle all markets.

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 4:08:36 PM

One or two initial investments can definitely jumpstart a luxury brand for a lady. But after that, these things start to trickle in on their own.

I also feel the easily identifiable thing helps with those who enjoy gifting women with pretty, shiny things.

And by the way, any time you thank someone publicly (i.e. "brag") for a nice item, there will always be the people who throw shade about it.

You can never win, but when I'm done here, at least I can say it was fun. And most of all, it was very interesting to watch how things work - especially a public thank you. A "thank you" goes a LONG way.

Posted By: ToriValentine
One or two initial investments can definitely jumpstart a luxury brand for a lady. But after that, these things start to trickle in on their own.

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 8:18:24 PM

After all, real charity work is not supposed to be public.

Lots of clients who like those red bottom shoes pay for the shoes. ;)

GaGambler796 reads

but even that really doesn't matter a whole lot to me. I don't spend enough time with most hookers for it to really matter to me if they are "nice" people beneath their public façade for their tricks. As long as I can be convinced for an hour that she is not just a "money grubbing whore" that's really as deep as I am going to dig with the women I only spend an hour's worth of BCD time with from time to time.

If we become more than hooker/john and start spending actual time together, I will judge by my own experience, not by what she tweets, FB's or puts on her website. I just don't get this compulsion by some guys to "know all about" a woman that I am going to talk to for ten minutes and fuck for 50. It's just NOT that important to me.

That's funny. I guess the pickiest seem to be wanting the one hours. If so, who cares? Lol!

I tend to get longer term people with lots of time spent together. Based on my twitter feed, I honestly can't believe some people who see all that crap still book dates lmao! But even then, they're not introducing us to their mom. A lot of us are the fun they really want to have secretly. Saying the things they wish they could say.  

All in all, this is all fun, and then we wash our hands and go home. If I give up a CHANEL purchase to donate to a charity, that's not going to shine on my twitter wall. That's going to shine in my everyday character naturally. Without even the people I'm fucking knowing. I did a duo week with someone, and watched her drop twenties in all the homeless women's cups. Not a lick about it was said on twitter nor even to me afterwards. But I saw it. And it shines through her everyday character. And she also gets tons of regulars.  

I admit. I've bought one pair of Louboutins on my own dime, and I don't regret it. And it has been beneficial in attracting a new market, and being bought more shoes lol.  

But heres my question about this guy. I wonder how much he's spent on escorts. To him buying red bottom shoes is a waste, but here he is "wasting" his money on hookers. How much has he donated to charity? Yes. I wonder.

Posted By: GaGambler
but even that really doesn't matter a whole lot to me. I don't spend enough time with most hookers for it to really matter to me if they are "nice" people beneath their public façade for their tricks. As long as I can be convinced for an hour that she is not just a "money grubbing whore" that's really as deep as I am going to dig with the women I only spend an hour's worth of BCD time with from time to time.  
 If we become more than hooker/john and start spending actual time together, I will judge by my own experience, not by what she tweets, FB's or puts on her website. I just don't get this compulsion by some guys to "know all about" a woman that I am going to talk to for ten minutes and fuck for 50. It's just NOT that important to me.

I've known hookers who borrowed on consignment pricey labels and red bottom shoes just for their photo shoots.  God forbid one might purchase and then return!  But it happens.  The point is, you can't put Louboutins and LV on your gift list unless you look the part.

After a decade of visiting with a lot of very generous regulars with a lot of disposable income, they weren't throwing LV Bags and Louboutins at me when they walked through the door.  I received some cool gifts over the years.  Gift Cards and bonus tips but I'm not buying into the "Pretty Woman" fantasy.  There are labels, and there are labels.  I'm afraid most wives are going to wonder where the 5K bank draft disappeared to.  I just don't think it happens as often as some would be inclined to want others to believe it does.  Smoke and Mirrors.  Saying it happens, doesn't really make it so.

Posted By: GaGambler
but even that really doesn't matter a whole lot to me. I don't spend enough time with most hookers for it to really matter to me if they are "nice" people beneath their public façade for their tricks. As long as I can be convinced for an hour that she is not just a "money grubbing whore" that's really as deep as I am going to dig with the women I only spend an hour's worth of BCD time with from time to time.  
 If we become more than hooker/john and start spending actual time together, I will judge by my own experience, not by what she tweets, FB's or puts on her website. I just don't get this compulsion by some guys to "know all about" a woman that I am going to talk to for ten minutes and fuck for 50. It's just NOT that important to me.

It was originally a joke, and you can see I'm hamming it up and just being a clown.

But after the last pair of shoes I was gifted, I was like, damn, I need to make a personal meme about "coming for 2017 like..."

FatVern521 reads

Won't social media become the next target of LE?

Just imagine when the CEO of Kellogg is on trial for child sex trafficking because they, and the traffickers both profited off the same FB post.

It's a stretch, but imagine what cases could be presented between now and then.

Lots of ladies do it but it's so not smart. Sure fellows benefit from insights but they got nothing to lose lurking. If lady does get busted, they will use as evidence.  

People become complacent and think they're above the law and they'll never get caught. It happens. Even for those who think they're invincible and smarter than LE.

Posted By: FatVern
Won't social media become the next target of LE?  
 Just imagine when the CEO of Kellogg is on trial for child sex trafficking because they, and the traffickers both profited off the same FB post.  
 It's a stretch, but imagine what cases could be presented between now and then.

FatVern555 reads

Intellectual property, in example everything anyone uploads becomes the property of that site. Those site will cooperate with LE, and I'm sure those sites are on par with CIA, FBI, and NSA capabilities.

Who are we kidding those entities are the social media sites. :-D

souls_harbor776 reads

It can operate as a ppor man's (woman's) website -- linked from TER review or P411, etc.

I suspect many of us don't know how to search on twitter for providers, so it's not a primary research tool

P411 and RS2K are the only sites I know of who charge clients for membership. And nothing near what we are charged for advertising - not even close.

In fact, TER advertising is free.

Twitter is an excellent resource, (and there are options to pay for advertising on twitter.) But used in conjunction for (paid) websites, paid advertising, and a lot of other things, it sure links everything together quite nicely. If people don't need it, nor want to use it, that's fine, but if they do want to, it is a very useful tool, and they're smart to do so if they can handle it. (It can be very annoying and very addicting/time consuming as well.)

Also. Facebook - you can do targeted digital marketing on these sites. There's a whole lot more to these sites than meets the eye.

However - the only thing I feel I don't like is the sweat equity, and the energy leaches looking for pen-pals. I've started to just delete all DM's and I really don't answer them - even if to book a date. They'll find me if they really want me.

It's also very entertaining, and time efficient to keep current friends updated without the need to email blast newsletters. :)

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 12:45:30 PM

I'm not going to lie, there are some great money clients on TER as well - who are sweet, kind, and generous.

There is ideal and not so ideal everywhere.

FatVern929 reads

Are there any other similarities in Twix twitter-tricks, other than being on twitter, you know like some other reason they want to spend money?

Twitter it self can't be the reason.

People join and pay to read juicy details here. Also TER doesn't operate out of United States unlike the others whose servers are here and readily available with a warrant.  

When one gets locked up, they'll be gathering the evidence to use against you. Hopefully the tweeters won't become targets but if and when they do, they'll be sorry for dropping the breadcrumbs.  

I did just fine using Eros and TER and the "high rollers" I met with back in the day found me here and on Eros. Check the number of members here and check the number who post on a regular basis. I don't care what anyone says, TER is the dominant go-to site for hobbying. Civvie social media is not the place to advertise illegal activities but what the hell...people are going to do what they want to do. If it works for you great, but from someone that's seen a lot of women jailed for sex work over the last 15 years, they all share the common denominator of being sorry for advertising their faces in their hooker ads and for advertising in the mainstream media. People get busted all the time and LE is not going to prepare you in advance giving you time to shut down your accounts.  But hey, it's your life. Hope you never get busted.

FatVern709 reads

I'm positive every twitter booking, the guy found the gal else where and only book via Twitter.

How do you search for hookers on Twitter any way?

I delete all DM's.  

Any brand that successfully uses twitter seemingly had their brand already established, and social media was the link between it all. Twitter is great for updates, not needing a newsletter to blast, etc etc. it's also a great tool for the final decision. My marketing is a tad backwards. A lot of my marketing is to cause people with whom I wouldn't be a good fit to pass.  

As a result, I don't need to see people who might have had the wrong impression of me. A lot less heartache on both ends  

Luckily, there is someone for every type. One client might not like me, but another might.

As I use TER posting, and twitter posting, I'm here because I like the social aspect. However, it does work for that final decision to or not to see me for some. Which is a nice perk. But for me, definitely not a starting point of my brand. Just the filler.

You're on point with this one, and for sure very valid point.  

I think you just won the thread. Lol!

I stand corrected. ☺️




The only thing that might protect you from its invasivness is its invasiveness. By which I mean, when the crosstalk and linking connects you, a Provider and your real life family and friends you might be able to claim that you have no idea how you ended up on a hooker's list of friends or how some sexy Twitter account asked your 10 year old niece to join in and that it must have been a convoluted Nth degree of separation, maybe via your favorite barber shop or your recent search for "silicone lube" at Home Depot.

I'll stick to TER and conventional ads, for now.

Posted By: clairecavendish
I only discovered how widely used it is by providers and clients a few months ago and I wondered how many of you use it in conjunction with reading reviews and adverts on here, to get an idea of who you want to book and their whereabouts?  
 @clairecavendish (had to reallly didn't I?)
"But Honey, it's to fix the faucet! Honest! I have no idea who Clair Cavendish is!"

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 9:22:41 AM

Kids are NOT supposed to be on twitter. Twitter is considered an adult platform. I believe it's 17 and older, not 18 and older tho.  

I have "21+" in my headline because I have alcohol mentions on my feed  

But your ten year old should not have an account.

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 3:54:25 PM

FatVern689 reads

Kids most likely use twitter, look at all the celebs on twitter Jimmy Fallon for example, he's a children's icon.

Social Media is clearly marketed to all.

John_Laroche540 reads

if a gal has an open Twitter page where I can view her content, I'll take a gander at her pics and her recent posts. If it's just more touched-up Pro Pics and re-tweets of someone else, I move on pretty quickly.  

If I want to interact with a provider before we meet, I'll send a PM, text or email.

If she has a twitter feed, I'll subscribe to it.  If not - no big deal.

Twitter feed can be revealing in a way which may not be in a provider's best marketing interest.   Some twitter feeds I have seen which were "liked" by providers can be condensed to:

Customers are scum!
Customers are a pain in the ass!
Customers are idiots!
TER posters/reviewers are scum!
White men are scum!
Stupid Customer Tricks!
Venting about Customers/white males/black males/whatever.

These may all be true... BUT  

Do I really want to spend time and disposable income with someone who despises me?  If I wanted that - I would stay home with my wife...  

Bottom line - be VERY careful about the tweets (and more importantly the tweeters) you promote.  Think of how you would regard someone who retweeted the Donald...

FatVern547 reads

Unless these are the same broads that saw lopaw, and they are calling her a customer.

The thing with a twitter account, you don't really know who's behind it. If it's her pimp and they start expressing their opinions thru her persona look out. That actual may be fun to read.

Posted By: mongo19621954
If she has a twitter feed, I'll subscribe to it.  If not - no big deal.  
 Twitter feed can be revealing in a way which may not be in a provider's best marketing interest.   Some twitter feeds I have seen which were "liked" by providers can be condensed to:  
 Customers are scum!  
 Customers are a pain in the ass!  
 Customers are idiots!  
 TER posters/reviewers are scum!  
 White men are scum!  
 Stupid Customer Tricks!  
 Venting about Customers/white males/black males/whatever.  
 These may all be true... BUT  
 Do I really want to spend time and disposable income with someone who despises me?  If I wanted that - I would stay home with my wife...    
 Bottom line - be VERY careful about the tweets (and more importantly the tweeters) you promote.  Think of how you would regard someone who retweeted the Donald....  

OR reading reviews of others who's dicks I've sucked to find out the juicy details on whether I did it well or not. lol! The clients who go online telling everybody they've fucked me. But don't like that I'm on twitter, by the way. Oh, lord. I need to be "elite".

I really do wonder just how "discreet" some clients want all of this to be, especially if they review providers. But what. We just sit here and run our advertising as you see fit, (discreet, no social media, no bragging about dates, or updating whereabouts, new outfits, fun thank-you's,) but you go and tell everyone on TER how well you sucked my clit? lol! lol! OK.

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 12:38:31 PM

FatVern904 reads

Nobody believes reviewers can suck a mean clit.

The whole social media being a civilian thing is what I find concern over. If sm brings in business, I can not discredit that fact

TER and some other sites are not "socialized" across the web the way FB, Twitter, IG, LinkedIn and so many other sites are socialized (unavoidably interconnected). I have NEVER seen a popup or link associated with TER show up anyplace in my browsers other than on TER pages. I have NEVER seen a popup or link from any other site (amazon, yahoo, FB, IG, ...) show up in my browser while using TER.  

My point is not about indiscreet disclosures and braggadocio but WHERE those boasts are made.  

Because TER is not "socialized," the fact that we are here remains "private" from the rest of the World Wide Web.

Posted By: TheNudeOpera
OR reading reviews of others who's dicks I've sucked to find out the juicy details on whether I did it well or not. lol! The clients who go online telling everybody they've fucked me. But don't like that I'm on twitter, by the way. Oh, lord. I need to be "elite".  
 I really do wonder just how "discreet" some clients want all of this to be, especially if they review providers. But what. We just sit here and run our advertising as you see fit, (discreet, no social media, no bragging about dates, or updating whereabouts, new outfits, fun thank-you's,) but you go and tell everyone on TER how well you sucked my clit? lol! lol! OK.

But that does make a valid point - keep sex industry where it belongs. Some people are not looking for sex workers on twitter.

Even the public, (LE and news media included,) are actively seeking out info on sex workers here, but they're specifically seeking out sex workers/buyers.

My point here is, we are all in the same boat if we are putting it out there that we are seeing escorts.

Posted By: impposter
TER and some other sites are not "socialized" across the web the way FB, Twitter, IG, LinkedIn and so many other sites are socialized (unavoidably interconnected). I have NEVER seen a popup or link associated with TER show up anyplace in my browsers other than on TER pages. I have NEVER seen a popup or link from any other site (amazon, yahoo, FB, IG, ...) show up in my browser while using TER.    
 My point is not about indiscreet disclosures and braggadocio but WHERE those boasts are made.  
 Because TER is not "socialized," the fact that we are here remains "private" from the rest of the World Wide Web.
Posted By: TheNudeOpera
OR reading reviews of others who's dicks I've sucked to find out the juicy details on whether I did it well or not. lol! The clients who go online telling everybody they've fucked me. But don't like that I'm on twitter, by the way. Oh, lord. I need to be "elite".  
  I really do wonder just how "discreet" some clients want all of this to be, especially if they review providers. But what. We just sit here and run our advertising as you see fit, (discreet, no social media, no bragging about dates, or updating whereabouts, new outfits, fun thank-you's,) but you go and tell everyone on TER how well you sucked my clit? lol! lol! OK.

Yes, Courtney, I think you got what I was saying but just to emphasize to you and NYE (post just below):

TER is public. Anyone can read the posts. Those people must actively seek out and click on links to read TER. But TER is not a visible part of Social Media (SM) and I do not have to worry about cross-contaminating my real life ID with my TER ID.  (There might be deep, deep, deep cookies or other trails that can connect TER to an SM account but I have never heard of anyone mentioning it.)

Many examples of unintended exposures have been posted to the Boards.  
- Buy a bunny rabbit toy for your niece from amazon.
- Go to yahoo news and get slammed with bunny rabbit ads, toy ads, etc. in the banners.
- Check that the email you used to log in to amazon is the same email you use for your SM accounts. Get cross-talk between your purchasing habits and SM, even if you use a fake name.
- The email address you entered to send a greeting to your niece is now woven into the mix.
- The tentacles multiply and dig deeper and deeper into all your connections.  
- Your real ID "somehow" gets linked to your ATF's Twitter account which loops back and invites your niece to "friend" or "like" (or whatever it's called).

The stated goal of SM is to connect everyone, WHETHER THEY WANT TO BE CONNECTED OR NOT.

TER is substantially an island unto itself. A public island that non-islander people can see and even visit, but one where the island people don't have to worry (too much) about being outed by accident to those curious tourists.

Posted By: TheNudeOpera
But that does make a valid point - keep sex industry where it belongs. Some people are not looking for sex workers on twitter.  
 Even the public, (LE and news media included,) are actively seeking out info on sex workers here, but they're specifically seeking out sex workers/buyers.  
 My point here is, we are all in the same boat if we are putting it out there that we are seeing escorts.
Posted By: impposter
TER and some other sites are not "socialized" across the web the way FB, Twitter, IG, LinkedIn and so many other sites are socialized (unavoidably interconnected). I have NEVER seen a popup or link associated with TER show up anyplace in my browsers other than on TER pages. I have NEVER seen a popup or link from any other site (amazon, yahoo, FB, IG, ...) show up in my browser while using TER.    
  My point is not about indiscreet disclosures and braggadocio but WHERE those boasts are made.    
  Because TER is not "socialized," the fact that we are here remains "private" from the rest of the World Wide Web.
Posted By: TheNudeOpera
OR reading reviews of others who's dicks I've sucked to find out the juicy details on whether I did it well or not. lol! The clients who go online telling everybody they've fucked me. But don't like that I'm on twitter, by the way. Oh, lord. I need to be "elite".    
   I really do wonder just how "discreet" some clients want all of this to be, especially if they review providers. But what. We just sit here and run our advertising as you see fit, (discreet, no social media, no bragging about dates, or updating whereabouts, new outfits, fun thank-you's,) but you go and tell everyone on TER how well you sucked my clit? lol! lol! OK.

Posted By: impposter
Yes, Courtney, I think you got what I was saying but just to emphasize to you and NYE (post just below):  
 TER is public. Anyone can read the posts. Those people must actively seek out and click on links to read TER. But TER is not a visible part of Social Media (SM) and I do not have to worry about cross-contaminating my real life ID with my TER ID.  (There might be deep, deep, deep cookies or other trails that can connect TER to an SM account but I have never heard of anyone mentioning it.)  
 Many examples of unintended exposures have been posted to the Boards.  
 - Buy a bunny rabbit toy for your niece from amazon.  
 - Go to yahoo news and get slammed with bunny rabbit ads, toy ads, etc. in the banners.  
 - Check that the email you used to log in to amazon is the same email you use for your SM accounts. Get cross-talk between your purchasing habits and SM, even if you use a fake name.  
 - The email address you entered to send a greeting to your niece is now woven into the mix.  
 - The tentacles multiply and dig deeper and deeper into all your connections.  
 - Your real ID "somehow" gets linked to your ATF's Twitter account which loops back and invites your niece to "friend" or "like" (or whatever it's called).  
 The stated goal of SM is to connect everyone, WHETHER THEY WANT TO BE CONNECTED OR NOT.  
 TER is substantially an island unto itself. A public island that non-islander people can see and even visit, but one where the island people don't have to worry (too much) about being outed by accident to those curious tourists.
Posted By: TheNudeOpera
But that does make a valid point - keep sex industry where it belongs. Some people are not looking for sex workers on twitter.  
  Even the public, (LE and news media included,) are actively seeking out info on sex workers here, but they're specifically seeking out sex workers/buyers.  
  My point here is, we are all in the same boat if we are putting it out there that we are seeing escorts.
Posted By: impposter
TER and some other sites are not "socialized" across the web the way FB, Twitter, IG, LinkedIn and so many other sites are socialized (unavoidably interconnected). I have NEVER seen a popup or link associated with TER show up anyplace in my browsers other than on TER pages. I have NEVER seen a popup or link from any other site (amazon, yahoo, FB, IG, ...) show up in my browser while using TER.      
   My point is not about indiscreet disclosures and braggadocio but WHERE those boasts are made.    
   Because TER is not "socialized," the fact that we are here remains "private" from the rest of the World Wide Web.
Posted By: TheNudeOpera
OR reading reviews of others who's dicks I've sucked to find out the juicy details on whether I did it well or not. lol! The clients who go online telling everybody they've fucked me. But don't like that I'm on twitter, by the way. Oh, lord. I need to be "elite".    
    I really do wonder just how "discreet" some clients want all of this to be, especially if they review providers. But what. We just sit here and run our advertising as you see fit, (discreet, no social media, no bragging about dates, or updating whereabouts, new outfits, fun thank-you's,) but you go and tell everyone on TER how well you sucked my clit? lol! lol! OK.

Like use an email address, and a device that has zero to do with any other device.

Think on this one. Ever text or call an escort from your personal phone? Probably not. Ever email an escort from your personal device? Probably.

What happens with the cookies on that one?

NoYellowEnvelope615 reads

... with Google and the like.  Hence TER is exposed to the WWW, not "private".

Privacy is relative. TER isn't hushed conversation in person with no recording devices, but it's not wide-open Twitter, either

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
... with Google and the like.  Hence TER is exposed to the WWW, not "private".  

In today's environment especially. TER is a private forum that most out of the industry are unaware of.  Twitter is public.
Sweet kisses

that's just it,
with the help of Social Media that deeply programmed, brainwashed idea  
that "sex is dirty" and "should be hidden" from the good people
 is Changing,

Sex is as Natural as needing some food to eat.

The Voices are speaking up and being heard from all over the World

I do not buy the false idea that SEX is bad.
Society has been programmed to put SEX in a  box and have it CONTROLLED from there.

SEX is a bodily function.
ORGASM is the perfect way to keep the body and mind Healthy.

NoYellowEnvelope622 reads

Anyone with Internet access can read posts... no login required. Non-members can also read ads, profiles (some info), and reviews (some info). They can use links in profiles to get to providers' web sites, including providers' pages on P411 and the like... and those pages have lots of details about "illegal activities".

That being said, I don't think it's a good idea to put details about illegal activities out there on Twitter.  But don't kid yourself that TER is private.

TER is a Sex Industry forum so it will accept such information...Twitter is not.  Twitter publicly states that certain things it will not accept.  Also the types of people who hang out are different.  The smarter you are the less likely trouble will find you.
My 2 cents.
Sweet kisses,

FatVern758 reads

Posted By: NoYellowEnvelope
Anyone with Internet access can read posts... no login required. Non-members can also read ads, profiles (some info), and reviews (some info). They can use links in profiles to get to providers' web sites, including providers' pages on P411 and the like... and those pages have lots of details about "illegal activities".  
 That being said, I don't think it's a good idea to put details about illegal activities out there on Twitter.  But don't kid yourself that TER is private.

I don't have an account myself but if a provider includes a link to her twitter account I'll check it out. But I don't use it to decide about booking.

Social Media is Not Going Away. It is full of Expanding New Thoughts.

It is Free Speech.  It is Not a crime to get creative and have sexy fun.

Social Media is really a great connector to find people heading in your direction.

Clients who need to hide their indiscretions from wives and SO need to stay off.
Those lies will catch up with you and bite you in the ass

are not in my area, but who might tour to my location. Once I find a lady who I would like to see, I review her website and other hobby profiles to make a final decision on meeting her or not. If she's going to tour to my area, I'll contact her through p411 for an appointment. I never make appointment requests through Twitter.

I find Twitter as a great additional tool in meeting a lady that I wouldn't otherwise have known about. It's also another way to see a different side of her prior to any potential meeting. I like a woman's personality just as much as her appearance, so reading her tweets and interacting with her can give me more of a good feeling if I think that we will click or not.

So far, I'm going to meet one wonderful lady via Twitter in the near future. And there are at least five other ladies that I will see if they tour to my location or if I ever make it to their locations.

How does one find providers via twitter? I've noticed that some ladies have twitter links in their TER profiles, but I am not aware of a search option on Twitter that lets you find ladies?  So unless I already know about the lady and know she has a twitter account, then I would never be able to find her on Twitter.  If I know to look, then I will certainly look to see what she posts.  The more pictures the better, as far as I'm concerned.

I looked at who she was following and who was following her. Since it's her hobby account, it's a good bet that most of the ladies who she follows or follows her are providers. If I saw a lady who peaked my interest, I would follow and interact with her.

You'll be suprised how fast you'll start finding these wonderful ladies in this country and beyond. It's like a snowball effect. Twitter even sends me emails with possible people that I might want to follow. And some of the ladies I have.

I don't even know if Twitter has that type of search option because my current method is working just fine for me.

I have had guys tell me they made a appointment because they saw my twitter

Posted By: clairecavendish
I only discovered how widely used it is by providers and clients a few months ago and I wondered how many of you use it in conjunction with reading reviews and adverts on here, to get an idea of who you want to book and their whereabouts?  
 @clairecavendish (had to reallly didn't I?)

a pretty down to earth gorgeous woman. I would see you too.

After my post about how I was bullied a lot here due to my weight, (when I was just looking for people to talk to, relate to, and discuss/ask questions,) I got a lot of mail with people (men and women) telling their stories - some of which were similar to mine.  

I think a lot of people come here for a community feeling, but get plummeted into the ground with insults. There ARE bullies here. Nobody likes to be bullied. But everybody wants community, and people to relate to.

TER discussion forums are more for the thick-skinned people who get a kick out of being made fun of publicly. Most people? Not so much. And on twitter, you just block people. They can't see your comments, nor comment on your comments - if used correctly, it can be a much more positive experience to have some sort of community without the fear of getting slammed - constantly!

I wasn't the only one who went through being in a world where I knew nobody, had just left the church where I had a very tight community, had nothing to contribute but questions, and was figuring this all out on my own. (Only to be hated and made fun of amongst both women and men publicly.)

There are quite a few people who post for a couple of days and say "fuck that - I'd rather do this all in secret." Because they're smart lol. When twitter became popular, and started to catch on, it probably more became a place to commune, and not only a place to run a business. I know that's what I use it for. Courtney for me isn't a "job". She is a part of my life and lifestyle. It's nice to have others around who "get it".

There is some great community there, and again, people can interact without a group of bullies jumping on them calling them "stupid" or "fat" or "old" or whatever. And - all of them jumping at once, including "female" counterparts.  

It rubs off on you after a while, and many people have needed to give these boards a rest. But still would like some community. I personally enjoy posting, but once it gets too negative and mean spirited, I disappear for a while. After all, you want us happy and healthy for a good time - so I personally have to in order to do the job I need to do. Twitter is a fun filler, and again - much more positive - on a consistent basis.

Here, I've learned I have to be careful coming back to post. I'm a loud mouth with not much of a filter. (though better lol). It's easier to limit that shit to 140 characters. Less trouble that way too lol.

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 8:53:01 PM

If someone calls you old and fat, who cares?  If it applies and it bothers you, check yourself and make a change. If it doesn't, tell them to fuck off. People here aren't going to hold a grudge and most likely will forget about it unless you're front and center obnoxious coming here just to fuck with people and make trouble.  There have been a few that seemed to have disappeared that were obnoxious tools and seemed to get a charge out of bashing ladies and gents for no reason. Speaking of...what happened to the board CPA?

Not everyone is an obnoxious tool that gets bullied either.  

But they do still get bullied.  

It was mentioned TER was a more appropriate platform to talk about sex industry related stuff. But for some, essentially those who don't like to be, or watch others be, bullied, twitter is a much better option for that type of community, where people can pick and choose whether they want the bullies involved in their conversations.  

BTW, Are you who I think you are?  ;)



-- Modified on 1/16/2017 10:52:44 PM

Well I agree the members here can take their bad days/life out on other members but I'd hang in there. A lot of relevant information can be found here. Stick with Twitter if it works too.  

No I think you have me confused with another former provider who posted a lot here. I'm not her.  

As for FatVern, glad you got a chuckle. It IS a male dominated board and I'm not referring to the number of posts. After all, it's a site  born from the idea of men reviewing time with hookers, not the other way around.

Posted By: TheNudeOpera
Not everyone is an obnoxious tool that gets bullied either.  
 But they do still get bullied.  
 It was mentioned TER was a more appropriate platform to talk about sex industry related stuff. But for some, essentially those who don't like to be, or watch others be, bullied, twitter is a much better option for that type of community, where people can pick and choose whether they want the bullies involved in their conversations.  
 BTW, Are you who I think you are?  ;)  

-- Modified on 1/16/2017 10:52:44 PM

FatVern467 reads

Male and female, read a few posts and say, nah forget it no clients, or gals for me today.

Does this board actually turn some off?

I was highly annoyed by the boards when I was hooking because of the back channel.  I was quite a smart ass controversial individual who liked to stir the pot and jazz things up a bit.  Then came the emails, the PM's about what so and so was saying about me behind the scenes so yeah it was a turn off for me many days.

I love being able to come here now though and not give a rats ass.  Nothing to promote so nothing to find personally offensive anymore

FatVern720 reads

Maybe by hookers pretending to be men, if they count sure the board if male dominated. Thanks for the laugh.

Only you do. Those who matter in your life don't care about your faults and those who do find fault, their opinions really don't matter anyway. Besides, I for one enjoy your posts.
Sweet kisses,

...as for posting on the TER Board,
I like it.
I am under NO ILLUSIONS that this is a loving community.
I do not expect anything.  
I learn more about myself, by reading the thoughts of others.

I do think it's a great place to learn others perspectives.
I truly want to understand where the person is coming from,  
so that I can be more empathetic when situations arise.

I notice when a post "hooks" me,
  those words/feelings are a Trigger  
    that I need to take a look at in Myself.

I've had many people tell me to stop posting here, but I like posting. I've learned that just because someone says something, it doesn't threaten my income. Nor does it change who I am. But if I start getting upset, I put it down. I think everybody should do that. But not everybody can handle it. Plus, I've grown some great relationships here and personally get along with people here. But nowadays I do think I have a little more to contribute.  

Not everybody can handle it or "gets the joke" or the culture.  

Different cultures for different people.  

When someone says they'd never see me because this or that, back when I was new, I didn't understand that was not going to affect me. Now I know to just roll me eyes. I also have changed up my spiritual life a lot and believe in myself. (If you don't believe in yourself, no one else can believe in you. And success will fail.)

However for those who do want community, and are very sensitive, twitter is much better for them.  

I've learned the #1 thing that earns respect. Respect. That doesn't mean you give up personal opinions and don't rock the boat, of course. Before, when I disagreed with something, I fired more judgment and accusations. That's not respectfully disagreeing.  

But not everybody can handle this kind of community, especially if they don't know how to navigate it. But there is a lot of bullying, and when a lot of that starts, I jump off. I care about myself enough to grab my own hand and remove myself from that type of exposure. When it dies down, I come back lol  

All is good with me nowadays, because I choose to define myself, and realize that's the only way to go. I personally disagree with the whole movement against this site. I don't believe in judging people based on what they like. I'm not god, and I don't know everything.  

I've learned a lot here, and grown a lot. I'm not a victim. That doesn't remove the fact that others enjoy a community where they have a little more control, and twitter does offer a much more widely accepting community that can be more controlled.

I am not saying this place is bad. It can be great if you use it right. Not everybody understands it, or is ready for it. I was in a place where, whatever people said about me, I believed it as truth. A lot of people are like that. I was especially due to my years and years of blind sheep following before I got here. Lol  

Yes, here you have to know how to play with the boys. Lol

-- Modified on 1/17/2017 10:43:25 AM

But I have limited time to devote to Sarah these days, so if I have a choice to hang out here or twitter, I'll usually choose twitter. But I do like coming here and reading. I also leave when it gets nasty. I love the PO board when I get a chance to go there. But twitter is like an intentional community. And we can talk about anything our hearts desire there. Here, conversation is limited.

You're exactly right. I'm not a masochist, so I don't post here that often. I don't like mean-spiritedness.

I use twitter, but mainly as a research tool.  TER is still my go to source for finding new providers, but if the provider also has a twitter account listed in her TER profile, I will check it out for more information.  

Considering the nature of the hobby, I do pay carefully attention on how discrete the providers are with their tweets, since you have to assume that LEO is everywhere and that includes twitter.

I also wonder what the future has in store for social media which more and more providers and other sex workers are using considering what happened to sites like BP, Craigslist, etc.

Found my ATF from twitter. Found another woman, who has now retired, but was very fun, off twitter. Hell, there's a couple of escorts that I've found on twitter whom I would love to see but don't have the time at the moment

FatVern649 reads

Hell, there are plenty of ladies I want to see, but I won't pay her asking rate ever.

It seems to me that twitter is, at most, a supplement to TER and pee four. Why?

It's mostly chatty/gossipy.
No reviews that are directly linked to the twitter account.
I find the navigation process to be sort of....odd. Could be I'm just not used to it, but that's what I think.
There's no search function.

All that said, it's a fun, flirty venue and it gives a view into personality that doesn't come across as well on TER or anything else. I usually browse twitter but come back to TER and pee four  if I find a prospect on twitter. Oddly, some ladies who are only on twitter are quite down on TER and review sites in general. I understand the basis for the complaints, but still don't see how this process functions without some type of reviewing.

I have an Instagram account that I barely used (it's a new account but private and only for those friends that I have screened already and ladies).  
Twitter on the other hand @TurbayVeronica I use it regularly, potential clients like to see my likes, my attitude, the type of person I am.  

I like it because I can network with other ladies and keep informed on many things to do with the business.

Just about everyone I've seen over the past 1-1.5 years I first met via Twitter.  It's been a great way to see a bit into their personality (and vice-versa) so that we both feel muy simpatico when we meet.  It's been great.

Posted By: clairecavendish
I only discovered how widely used it is by providers and clients a few months ago and I wondered how many of you use it in conjunction with reading reviews and adverts on here, to get an idea of who you want to book and their whereabouts?  
 @clairecavendish (had to reallly didn't I?)

FatVern655 reads

It's called marketing... and you aren't dating her, so who cares about personality?

You expect any one to buy such BS.

You can find out a lot more about a specific provider and her personality if you also combine your research to include Twitter.  We are monitored here and VERY limited in amount of times we can post photos or ads or posts.  If you are looking for more on a specific lady then Twitter is the place to go.  Researching on a provider goes beyond TER now and Social media is it.  If the lady appeals to your eyes and the fictitious reviews suit your fancy and her website is filled with useful information but you want to know more...Check out the lady's social media presence. If you do your homework there is no reason to risk a TOFTT or "getting burned" as most ladies with a presence CARE about their business.  

I am constantly posting fresh photos and up to date touring information. More on Twitter than on my Website.  

Follow me on Twitter! Everybody's doing it!  


Elle Vegas (the Sexy Swinger)

This is VERY true.  

I was recently looking at Chicago and thought I’d find a lady to have dinner and an evening with. One I found was pretty expensive, but she got good reviews here, so I kept her in mind. As I was looking at other women, someone linked their Twitter acct. as I pursued that account, low and behold the woman I’d been thinking about had a linked post. So I followed it back to her account and was met with ‘BUY MY OnlyFan’ Onlyfans… Onlyfans. And by the time I’d read 1/2 dozen posts from her, the person I’d imagined from her P411 and online website had BURST asunder. She sounded like she was from the sticks and possibly accepted EBT rather than the $2000 for 4hrs goddess she’d portrayed herself as being.  

Twitter is a must, for me, in checking a woman. I don’t use Twitter for anything else.

You want to resurrect a thread that is five years old?  Why not just start a new thread?

Hah… somehow, this made it to the first page of my list… and I didn’t attend the date of publication.

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