TER General Board

I saw a middle class white folk the other day...
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 3673 reads
1 / 67

I had a super sexy Costa Rican client today. I do believe that this entitles me to full Bro Club membership status. Just so you know.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1823 reads
2 / 67

to be expert in bro-code :D

-- Modified on 7/8/2014 6:56:19 PM

GaGambler 1876 reads
4 / 67

You don't need a dick to have balls, and as a few of the other posters have proven, simply having a dick is no proof of balls either.

I am every bit as happy to welcome you to the "Bro club" as I was to invite H+T to the darkside. Pura Vida chica, y bienvenido

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1688 reads
5 / 67

Posted By: GaGambler
You don't need a dick to have balls, and as a few of the other posters have proven, simply having a dick is no proof of balls either.

I am every bit as happy to welcome you to the "Bro club" as I was to invite H+T to the darkside. Pura Vida chica, y bienvenido

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 2076 reads
6 / 67

She finds Johnny Depp attractive.. To each is own and no offense, but shit... the guy looks like he hasn't showered in couple of weeks.. If someone with such sloppy hygiene comes and even sits next to me, in say a bar, I am getting up and finding a different place to sit..

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 2123 reads
8 / 67
Dr Who revived 1553 reads
9 / 67

Did he do the "secret handshake"?

Posted By: Tobi Telford
I had a super sexy Costa Rican client today. I do believe that this entitles me to full Bro Club membership status. Just so you know.

89Springer 1675 reads
10 / 67
Blowing Chunks 1671 reads
11 / 67

And tobi definitely has balls, although invisible balls.  
You don't need tangible balls to have balls.  hah

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1618 reads
12 / 67
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1935 reads
13 / 67

I don't just find him attractive...I would let him rip my eyeball out and literally skull fuck me.  

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
She finds Johnny Depp attractive.. To each is own and no offense, but shit... the guy looks like he hasn't showered in couple of weeks.. If someone with such sloppy hygiene comes and even sits next to me, in say a bar, I am getting up and finding a different place to sit..

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 2020 reads
14 / 67


Posted By: Drunken Asian
And tobi definitely has balls, although invisible balls.  
 You don't need tangible balls to have balls.  hah

inicky46 61 Reviews 1597 reads
15 / 67

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: Drunken Asian
And tobi definitely has balls, although invisible balls.    
  You don't need tangible balls to have balls.  hah

inicky46 61 Reviews 1518 reads
17 / 67

He must have been in a very good mood after Costa Rica's performance in the World Cup followed by boning your hot ass.  Big smile on that lucky Tico's face.
Pura Vida, perra!

keystonekid 114 Reviews 1771 reads
18 / 67
inicky46 61 Reviews 1715 reads
19 / 67

Cuz you are hot and smart, like Ms. Telford.  Consider yourself an honorary Tica.  If you come to New York I will administer the initiation ceremony.  It involves a severe tongue-lashing.  Among other things.  Heh.

JohnyComeAlready 1360 reads
20 / 67

See Tobi and have her fuck a fleshlight using her strapon in front of you.

Posted By: Drunken Asian
And tobi definitely has balls, although invisible balls.  
 You don't need tangible balls to have balls.  hah

StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 1708 reads
21 / 67
Blowing Chunks 1980 reads
22 / 67

I'm not sure how serious you are but I don't know if there are any women on this planet I feel so strongly about to the point of letting her rip my eyes out and skull fuck me. Lol  I guess in a guy's case letting her rip our dick off during a bj would be somewhat equivalent to your eyeball-less skullfucking.  

Maybe I'll be OK with bareback with Taylor Swift hopefully in a civvy relationship,  but that's about it.  If she's into some odd fetishes I may go a bit out of my comfort zone to accommodate her as long as it doesn't involve missing body parts or treating me like a women.  Definitely No ripping eyeballs out,  I don't think I find that to be a turn on especially if it's my eyeballs. :

JohnyComeAlready 2043 reads
23 / 67

I wanted to ask him what he was talking about

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 2043 reads
24 / 67

That balls southern speak style! ;-)

Steph xoxo

GaGambler 1749 reads
25 / 67

You already have had it for quite some time now:)

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1352 reads
26 / 67

I think you get to be a bro anyway, but not because you saw "middle class white folk." :D

Blowing Chunks 1886 reads
27 / 67

But something tells me you would most enjoy it from behind. lol

Remember, strap ons existed before there were eye sockets.  Are fleshlights fair?  
Why should your issue be her issue

Blowing Chunks 2054 reads
28 / 67

Remember, lowe's offers 5% off or 18 months interest free plan. Which deal is more fair?  
If it isn't fair or if it doesn't sell, should we file a restraining order on Lowes?  rofl

Blowing Chunks 1816 reads
29 / 67

Good one.  Those things can definitely take a pounding.  

Ever try pounding someone's balls? It can certainly incapacitate a 300 pound man within seconds!

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 1652 reads
30 / 67
SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1841 reads
32 / 67

Even if its meant in all fun and games, it will be taken out of context (sometimes purposely to distort the reality) and that's how sometimes people end up on Blacklists...  

I know Ms TT was not serious, but we saying it is completely different story....

Just sayin'..

inicky46 61 Reviews 1535 reads
34 / 67

For full membership you need to meet us at The Del Rey or The Cocal, cruise for Ticas with us and/or bone some of the other whoremongers.  Lots to choose from.  And there are women who do this.  Not many, but a few.
PS: The Tequila shots are on us.

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 7:26:58 AM

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1430 reads
35 / 67
TalkToTrees 2057 reads
36 / 67

Are we really supposed to give a shit what clients you had today or any other day?

I know I don't...

The Forest Waits
Posted By: Tobi Telford
I had a super sexy Costa Rican client today. I do believe that this entitles me to full Bro Club membership status. Just so you know.

Panthera12 1635 reads
37 / 67
inicky46 61 Reviews 1656 reads
38 / 67
GaGambler 1518 reads
39 / 67
GaGambler 1738 reads
40 / 67

For probably the same reason that JCA reminds you of Pimples.

It appears that TTT now has TWO stalkers. One simply annoying, but the other one is downright dangerous. I think you can figure out which one is which.

GaGambler 1709 reads
41 / 67
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1808 reads
42 / 67

Because every time I post an ad, I talk about other people I've fucked. Marketing genius.  

Posted By: TalkToTrees
Are we really supposed to give a shit what clients you had today or any other day?  
 I know I don't...  
 The Forest Waits  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
I had a super sexy Costa Rican client today. I do believe that this entitles me to full Bro Club membership status. Just so you know.

JohnyComeAlready 1552 reads
43 / 67

I have to ask, is fitting in that important to you people, that you have to announce how well people fit in?

You're lame.

JohnyComeAlready 1847 reads
44 / 67

Hey Nick, and P12, it's me TaT, I agree with what ever you say. I hope you guys like me, I needhave to fitthe in, I felt like my parents never loved me... boo hoo boo hoo, I'm Tat. lol

Posted By: GaGambler
For probably the same reason that JCA reminds you of Pimples.

It appears that TTT now has TWO stalkers. One simply annoying, but the other one is downright dangerous. I think you can figure out which one is which.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1920 reads
45 / 67

PS: The ones in this shot are about 50 feet away.  The largest are at least 15 feet long

JohnyComeAlready 1729 reads
46 / 67

-- Modified on 7/9/2014 4:35:11 AM

Blowing Chunks 1689 reads
47 / 67

Or he's too busy trying to find a new random girl to use as reference roll.

GaGambler 2117 reads
52 / 67

But at least as long as he is going to pose as a stupid piece of wood, we know where he is and can keep an eye on him.

I have a question, If Herpius were alone in the forest, talking to trees with no one  but the trees to hear him, and one of those trees were to fall on him and kill him,  would any of us care  whether or not he made a noise?

GaGambler 2026 reads
53 / 67

Your SPOTY candidate OTOH is not going to have any more success "dubbing" anything or anyone than the turdster was when he tried to come up with some dumb term a few months back. I don't recall what it was offhand as it was too stupid to take much notice of.

Or speaking of "dumb" maybe that's what JCA really meant, that he was "dumbing" me, not "dubbing" me. He has a lot better chance of success that way.

JohnyComeAlready 1797 reads
54 / 67

She probably rapes adolescent boys with her strapon.


What kind of stable individual talks about fucking an eye socket?

inicky46 61 Reviews 1723 reads
55 / 67

You certainly have lots of opinions on rape.  Fixated much?  Project much?  Also, when JohnyCumsQuickly questions the stability of anyone I ROFLMAOPIP.

JohnyComeAlready 1917 reads
56 / 67

What kind of lady talks about having her eyes gouged out, so some one can penetrate her eye sockets with their penis?

I don't think you idiots can comprehend just how stupid you look.

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 1917 reads
57 / 67

But you're the only one around here with the rape tendencies, you creepy fuck.  

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
She probably rapes adolescent boys with her strapon.  
 What kind of stable individual talks about fucking an eye socket?

inicky46 61 Reviews 1784 reads
58 / 67

These sage words from one of our most prominent brain donors, JohnyMushroomCap.  Earth to Johny: what she said was a figure of speech.  That's it. And as for someone who "seems that angry," you're the one who seems pissed at everyone.  Why?  Because she flamed you a few times and you couldn't take it, poor lil' guy?  
I guess you just don 't like ballsy, sexy chicks.

JohnyComeAlready 1980 reads
59 / 67

I might be able to follow your logic.

... it's obvious the girl gets her ass handed to her. Then has to pull out another persona. Which gets disciplined in public. Just like the one before. Then some other persona shows up to do the same.

I don't care how sexy a woman is. That's a turn off.  


Yeah Nick, I'm butthurt over a board flaming... I was wrong Nick, you are funny.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 1641 reads
60 / 67

When he first started his ignore campaign on Jan 1, 2013. Every week he would brag  about how nice it was to put everyone on ignore, while simultaneously responding to posts! LMAO.

And ROFL on your second comment, to which of course the answer is "no!"

Arovet 62 Reviews 1657 reads
61 / 67

As a PSA for any lurkers who might not have the time or inclination to research how fucked up you (or at least your uber creepy board persona, but I suspect the real you) are, Tobi is a woman of beauty, intelligence, wit, and integrity.  You are a semi-literate rape sympathizer occupying plush subterranean accommodations courtesy of your female parental unit, with whom you no doubt have Oedipal issues.

Hope that helps y'all out.

hbyist+truth=;( 1699 reads
62 / 67

Breath or hold your breath for half an hour.  

Nope plenty would like you to hold your breath for half an hour.

Quit being a total tool bag to her

inicky46 61 Reviews 1493 reads
63 / 67
GaGambler 1828 reads
64 / 67

and if I'm wrong, I'll be more than happy to pay the bet. lol

and then drinks are on me to celebrate that the world is rid of yet another stalker.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1922 reads
65 / 67
JohnyComeAlready 1524 reads
67 / 67

literally http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/literally

1. in a literal manner

The use of literally as an intensifier is common, esp in informal contexts. In some cases, it provides emphasis without adding to the meaning: the house was literally only five minutes walk away. Often, however, its use results in absurdity: the news was literally an eye-opener to me. It is therefore best avoided in formal contexts

literal http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/literal

1. in exact accordance with or limited to the primary or explicit meaning of a word or text

2. word for word

3. dull, factual, or prosaic

4. consisting of, concerning, or indicated by letters

5. True; actual

You and Tobi need a vocabulary lesson

Posted By: inicky46
These sage words from one of our most prominent brain donors, JohnyMushroomCap.  Earth to Johny: what she said was a figure of speech.  That's it. And as for someone who "seems that angry," you're the one who seems pissed at everyone.  Why?  Because she flamed you a few times and you couldn't take it, poor lil' guy?    
 I guess you just don 't like ballsy, sexy chicks.

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