TER General Board

I disagree with your ladt sentence
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 236 reads

Why would she share her ATM? I think she would keep her 'sucker' to herself. That would be like giving away your atm card snd your pin! :)

I been wanting to see a provider lately but been hard for the type I'm looking for...I don't know care for going to strip clubs an but the other day there was a good looking lady of age 27 an we started to talk ab bit then she caught me off guard an said i do other things on the side so i was pretty shock considering i thought strippers aren't allowed to see clients on the side, turns out she happens to live 1 block away from me in state of Pennsylvania so following day she said she needed money an i said how much she said 80.00 so did see her indeed an it was real good she was nice didn't rush me, so should i tell her about TER an maybe Eros etc??? i don't want to come off to her as i done this before an scare her away, she has used some drugs but she looks great no high mileage yet.. But i thought girls didn't do that from the club?? then the next day she called me up again an said she needed money i said how much then she said another 80.00. has anyone gotten this lucky at a club, In the end i rather stick to well known providers.. is it OK for me to still go to the club on the side i never drink or smoke in my life an when i can't find a provider of my type then i will go there with 300.00 an just see the ladies, do you think she will run her mouth to other girls?

I don't think your situation is as rare as you might think, but it sounds like you got lucky and I would just enjoy it... doubt she'll talk to other girls at the club. I could be wrong on that though.

you need to improve your game..hanging around backpage and strip clubs will not improve your image..could be dangerous for your health and well being too..just my 2 cents..

is there really any game invlolved in paying for sex?

I would very well suggest you introduce her to TER if the poor girl is only asking for freaking 80 bucks! I mean, I dont' want to mess up your game so tell her you would not mind helping her if your rate stayed the same ha ha. The more business you get her will pay off in the end, and she can quit the club if she so desires. I have a few friends who were strippers to start until they realized that sweating for dollars 8 hours a night, was insane when they could make that in an hour with only one person seeing them naked.

AnotherPerspective389 reads

She will keep it between you two for now . She might tell her close friends
when her jaw is clenched.

There are other girls in the club that will do the same thing , usually for more than
$ 80 .   If she raises her price she did talk, and received advice .
  You might  consider renting a room . It is likely she is using the 80 for
something you don't want to be associated with .

Posted By: Truck21
I been wanting to see a provider lately but been hard for the type I'm looking for...I don't know care for going to strip clubs an but the other day there was a good looking lady of age 27 an we started to talk ab bit then she caught me off guard an said i do other things on the side so i was pretty shock considering i thought strippers aren't allowed to see clients on the side, turns out she happens to live 1 block away from me in state of Pennsylvania so following day she said she needed money an i said how much she said 80.00 so did see her indeed an it was real good she was nice didn't rush me, so should i tell her about TER an maybe Eros etc??? i don't want to come off to her as i done this before an scare her away, she has used some drugs but she looks great no high mileage yet.. But i thought girls didn't do that from the club?? then the next day she called me up again an said she needed money i said how much then she said another 80.00. has anyone gotten this lucky at a club, In the end i rather stick to well known providers.. is it OK for me to still go to the club on the side i never drink or smoke in my life an when i can't find a provider of my type then i will go there with 300.00 an just see the ladies, do you think she will run her mouth to other girls?

In your previous questions about strip clubs most of the responses including mine warned that it's a crap shoot on what will happen and you can never count on it and it's much more expensive. That's the usual scenario. You got lucky this time. It is unusual that she only wants 80. Notice though that she is now calling you every time she needs funds. That can lead to drama. You are her ATM.

You are correct the dancers are not supposed to do things on the side with guys they meet in the club. Many don't, many do. It can lead to problems for you if the club finds out. On the other hand it could be you found that one that will work with out a hitch. I know of dancers that were arrested for working "extra".

Be prepared for her "needs" to go up. Be prepared for the complications when you don't want to contribute to her more expensive needs.

Remember to keep boundaries in place. She may not say anything to the others but be prepared for it to get out. The club is a small community and news travels fast.

Telling her about providing is up to you.

or 10 min. bj in the champagne room. If you do get to take her home, it's about 8 total by the time you're done adding up the drinks and dances you paid for in the club.

never paid a stripper for sex outside the club (directly)  had a lot of fun in the clubs, blow jobs, daty, doubles and even a triple once, and full service.   Tip the bouncer, Tip the bartender and tip all the girls so they are guessing.  Hell one of them even paid for the hotel  room, more than once.  The cheapist was a 2 girl double 4 40 each, the most was an hour for 2$ and used every minute.  Yes you do have to invest time and money and that does run up the tab.  But not like the numbers your quoting.

of the girls I know would even give you a hand job for less than two bills. Then you have those who give it up for next to nothing, but that's rare and they are not the top girls either. Most have drug problems or live in the trailer park...don't even have a damn car.

every market has its workers and clientell.  The one that bought the room was a solid 8 in looks, Had her own house, drove a Corvette, and also had her own business,  Why do you know more about what I know than me?   Others were just enjoying my company or saying thanks for being a regular and nice customer.

technology. Some guys use to go to strip clubs during those times because it was difficult to find an escort. So, they had to settle for what they had. Strippers during those times made good money. Now, with the increase of technology and escorts, guys don't need to go to strip clubs. Some hobbyist have stop going to strip clubs for this very reason. I'm no sociologist, but, I am sure escorts and technology is a major reason why some strip clubs are becoming less popular.

Here in Baltimore, Maryland, we have this area called "the block" in downtown Baltimore. It's basically a street, and down the street, it has about 40 or so strip clubs. In the 1980's, strip clubs were flourishing in the Block. Now, its no where popular with the locals as it was back in those days. Some of the providers I've seen here in Baltimore were once former strippers from the block in Baltimore. They tell me it's not as promising as they thought it would be, and they made more income from escorting that stripping.

As this relates to your thread. Yes, some providers these days were former strippers because strip clubs are becoming less popular, depending on the area. Las Vegas however, that is a thriving place for strippers, Vancouver is also a nice place. But, for most regions, escorts have made strip clubs less popular.

HookerCops500 reads

... have sex for money. It's not uncommon at all. Lots of strippers have sex for free too. When I was in my 20's I took one home for a joint, one home because she needed a ride, one home for breaking into her car for her when she locked the keys inside, and many for a few bumps. They're just women after all. Of course she will tell the other girls, you have "sucker" written all over your face.

the FDIC a couple of years ago?

I guess they still have their ATM's working though!

Why would she share her ATM? I think she would keep her 'sucker' to herself. That would be like giving away your atm card snd your pin! :)

HookerCops241 reads

... around young women OR it's been a long time. Put a bunch of them in a room together and they will tell everything about you in seconds ... while you're standing there even.

carmen4111265 reads

I think that as a woman you can do what you want except in the case at a strip club. That is a bastion for gossip and pretty soon everyone will call you a "ho" behind your back. Strip clubs can open the door depending upon your looks,ambition to other things. My friend who was a famous soft porn star in the 1990's started stripping then posed in Hustler. Then she went on to soft porn for 4 years then retired. She own's a production company and she doesn't support fucking for pay behind closed door's. Though she feels every girl can make her own choice in what ever she wants. Strip clubs are too public of a place to be known for "tricking"  outside of the club. As an Indy call girl I'm under the radar and I don't promote my sex business such as a stripper would. It also brings a bad element to a club . Like cops,pimps,hustler's looking to feed off on a pretty girl that is rumored to do the deed after closing. Ladies if you dance in a strip club and date customer's why don't you work for an local agency. Besides club owner's tend to set up girls for "traps". Most owner's are like Micheal Peter they will toss you out of the place. Spearmint Rhino,Rick's Cabaret and Mon's Venus are not tolerant to hooking after hour's. Keep your dancing job separate and your sex business distance. If not you will get sucked into a drain of bad people. Our sex lives and finances are not to be shared in strip clubs...

HookerCops270 reads

... Mons venus or not. However, in the mid 90's to early 2000 lots of the girls who worked there (there are always a few "good girls") could be had for the right price. Not inside the club, no private area back then, but a customer could just take them home or to a hotel. The owner didn't do anything to stop it nor could he. What a woman does when she leaves the property is her business.

I worked as a bartender in Ybor and South Tampa back then while in school, and knew tons of these ladies from the clubs. Of course, I was into the pot, coke, and X scene back then too and so were most of them. I doubt much has changed in the last 12 years ... just new names and faces.

This really isn't difficult and shouldn't surprise anyone. Girl comes up to you, the two of you start talking, you ask her how much to leave with you, she either tells you to fuck off or gives you a price. Wow ... how hard was that?

the owners even have member parties where you are given a ticket stub with a member number to get on a big bus, and they take you off the property to a random location no one knows about til you get there. They normally have 10 girls who are paid like 150 for a bj and 200 for fs. but they each go home with over 3k in one night. I would pass out, but if you can take the pounding not a bad deal once a month to make a few Gs.

-- Modified on 5/22/2012 6:57:28 PM

HookerCops150 reads

Mons Venus was the only strip club I've ever been to without a VIP area. All the lap dances were done on the couches off to the sides in plain sight of everyone else. At least that's how it used to be, it has been at least 12 years or more since I've been there. I can remember going in there in  1989 (before I went in the military) when I was only 18 and you could bring your own beer and liqour inside. Now they can't serve any alcohol in full nude establishments here.

but not at any time. We have a Rick's, Hustler, Artist Cafe, Big Daddy's, Scuttlebutt, Visions, but no really BIG names. Used to have Gold Club and Maiden Voyage which were the top 2. The girls at these clubs now are not like they were 10 years ago.

i didnt ever know about p411 or datecheck or ter whitelist til last summer. the clubs was a good way to tip the bouncer do the appts in the club. or yes take them home, i had other dancers show me how to get away with doing my appts in champagne room, you wear a skirt and do a danc eonthem but your actually fucking!.    i did use craigs long ago for massages fbsm but would find myself  calln my regulars instead new clients or postin to be safe . i had no idea to check references make sure you tell her about that part...............

carmen4111371 reads

A true stripper doesn't have to "turn trick's" for a living..that poor girl must be working in the wrong club? Or she lack's the skills to sell lap dances/couch dances. I have known exotic dancer's in the past who refuse to "trick". They would prefer to find a "sugar daddy" who will buy her a car,pay the rent on an apt and shopping trips. Any stripper having to screw for money is rather "dumb" outside of the club.First of all word get's around that your "hooking" and most owner's don't want "pro's" in their club. In part because most really hot girls like the classic Big tit's,blonde hair and Pamela Anderson feature's. Tend to work on Thurs,Fri and Sat nights. Usually depending upon the city like say Manhattan,NYC. She can make a grand and if she promotes herself correctly . She may end up in Playboy,Hustler,Music video's or a wealthy business man's mistress. Like in the case of the late Anna Nicole Smith when she stripped at Rick's Cabaret in the 1990's and she met Howard Marshall the elderly billionaire in Texas. It's all how you play your cards..ladies. Work smarter and the sex business will only be a brief moment in your life. If not you will be stripping,escorting for assorted agencies or being a Call Girl for six years or more. The money goes really fast....

you Know I have to tell you, most strippers do not break the rules, some bend them, some plain do not care,  But they all think they are not hookers.  I find it funny that they look down on you.  And you look down on them.  Getting into playboy is probably 100 times harder that getting into the NFL or NBA.  How many times do you read about broke ex players?  this was about how lucky the guy is not about the pros and caons of stripping or hooking.

lets not forget that not all girls live/work in LA, NY, etc. i doubt there are too many guys in detroit that have a ton of money to toss around at a strip club. same goes for small town girls too. how many big spenders do you think there are in montana?

Posted By: carmen4111
A true stripper doesn't have to "turn trick's" for a living..that poor girl must be working in the wrong club? Or she lack's the skills to sell lap dances/couch dances. I have known exotic dancer's in the past who refuse to "trick". They would prefer to find a "sugar daddy" who will buy her a car,pay the rent on an apt and shopping trips. Any stripper having to screw for money is rather "dumb" outside of the club.First of all word get's around that your "hooking" and most owner's don't want "pro's" in their club. In part because most really hot girls like the classic Big tit's,blonde hair and Pamela Anderson feature's. Tend to work on Thurs,Fri and Sat nights. Usually depending upon the city like say Manhattan,NYC. She can make a grand and if she promotes herself correctly . She may end up in Playboy,Hustler,Music video's or a wealthy business man's mistress. Like in the case of the late Anna Nicole Smith when she stripped at Rick's Cabaret in the 1990's and she met Howard Marshall the elderly billionaire in Texas. It's all how you play your cards..ladies. Work smarter and the sex business will only be a brief moment in your life. If not you will be stripping,escorting for assorted agencies or being a Call Girl for six years or more. The money goes really fast....

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