Sports Talk

Who can expalin the end of the Wisconsin/ASU game for me?
ryan3504 15 Reviews 1622 reads

Is it a new rule that it is OK for a defensive player to sit on a football for 10 seconds as the clock winds down?

If you explain the last 4secs of the Michigan/Akron game lol

Tusyan344 reads

Wisconsin burned their timeouts, ran out of time and ASU won. The end.

or college rules game can end of a defensive penalty which that clearly was and the zebras didn't throw the flag .  

And while they're at it they need to tweek that pass interference rule in college before the conference championships and bowls get here. If that wasn't a head to head shot in the Alabama game because he was going for the ball then how can it be interference if he was going for the ball ?

I didn't see the game, so I cannot pretend to know what happened. but I am also under the impression a game cannot end on a defensive penalty

I just thought it was odd that after the QB took a knee and placed the ball on the turf, the ASU defense was allowed to sit on the ball for 10 seconds, leaving 3 seconds for the refs to place the ball and have Wisconsin line up to attempt to get a play off.  It must be a home team rule.  I bet more defenses will try that tactic in the future to keep the offense from trying one last play.

which was the first thing I saw but then the Ref blew the play dead . Obviously the AZ ST player saw the same thing BUT the whistle blew so like it or not when he jumped on the ball it was a delay of game penalty and should have been flagged .

QB blew it.  Instead of killing the clock by spiking the ball, he went to do a kneel down, and blew that as well.  By placing the ball on the ground, technically he fumbled.   Thus the ASU player jumped on the ball. Even if he had correctly downed it, they still would not have had time to bring out the field goal unit. Bonehead play all the way!!!!

Oh, I get it.  So the QB fumbled and ASU recovered.  That would mean change of possession.  I thought that on change of possession the clock stopped and then the recovering team (in this case ASU) would have the next play.  

Now I understand.

And I would've thought that on 2nd and 10 with 15 seconds left (check the video link above to verify the time) would've been enough time to run a play, spike the ball and stopping the clock would've left enough time to attempt a FG.  

It is nice to read all these comments from folks providing excuses for the lousy officiating.  And I thought politicians were great at spin.


Posted By: aznlvr9
QB blew it.  Instead of killing the clock by spiking the ball, he went to do a kneel down, and blew that as well.  By placing the ball on the ground, technically he fumbled.   Thus the ASU player jumped on the ball. Even if he had correctly downed it, they still would not have had time to bring out the field goal unit. Bonehead play all the way!!!!

Nice to read comments from armchair athletes who like to blame the officials for every screw up!!!!

The QB totally screwed up the play, FOLLOWED by the officials blowing the call.  All he had to do was kneel down.

Athletes are taught from day one to never give the officials/umpires/referees any reason to screw you on a bad call.  And if you argue a call, you can expect to spend Monday doing big 3's all practice.  I watched our All American quarterback do those for 2 hours straight because he argued with an official once.  You know what, he never did that again

at least now you acknowledge the refs blew the call.

True, don't give the officials the chance to screw you.  I hope those Pac-12 officials got paid well.

Too bad Wisconsin was unable to have the refs review the play, especially ones where the officials blow the call because they misapply the rules.  Even the NFL allows reviews of judgements calls.

Cold comfort to Wisconsin that 99.99999% of College Football analyst outside of the state of Arizona have spent today going over the play and eviscerating the refs.  

I only made the original post because I wondered if there was some rule change or if the refs blew it.  Now it is clear the refs blew it.  Yes, Wisconsin could have done the last 18 seconds differently, but even with the way they did it, if the refs weren't so incompetent, they still would have had their shot at the FG.

Kudos to that ASU defensive player for sitting on the ball for nearly 15 seconds after the officials blew the play dead.  I hope he got to keep the ball.

i suppose you can call them boneheads now instead of cheeseheads..why they didnt just kick the field goal to win will always be beyond me..

Posted By: ryan3504
Is it a new rule that it is OK for a defensive player to sit on a football for 10 seconds as the clock winds down?

I guess Wisconsin figured 1st and 10, 18 seconds left, they wanted to run some more time off the clock before kicking the FG.  Of course, Wisconsin did themselves no favors, but I guess they didn't count on the Pac-12 officials to toss out the rule book and lose control of the game.
The more I see stuff like this, the more I am convinced that college football is a corrupt joke.

At least the refs in the UCLA game took time to look at the replay and realize they botched the FG call and reversed it

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