
Re:Picking And Choosing At Room Service?????????
tonyric 9 Reviews 12144 reads

Dude, you should keep in mind that the ladies, like us, are allowed to decide what we will do and with whom we will do that thing with.  You should also keep in mind that all of these ladies are YMMV.  Chemistry is a big part in the hobby.

Hello...I was disappionted at Room Service This Week ....I had always found it to be a Stand Up Service...But this week I saw Marina...she told me she does not do BBBJ,yet 8 of 10 reviews ,on this board state she does...she also made a excuse as to no "daty" saying she just had her period...I have never had this problem with any of the other girls including Helena And Electra,My hygeine and appearance are well maintained, I expect of myself what I expect from a Provider..........A find the The erotic review an excellent way to determine what a encounter will be like,I understand their is a margin of error,incorrect reviews,changes in provider etc...but 8 of 10 including the most recent ,suggest some sort of picking and choosing,which without valid reasons is not fair...have any other members had similar experiences?

Dude, you should keep in mind that the ladies, like us, are allowed to decide what we will do and with whom we will do that thing with.  You should also keep in mind that all of these ladies are YMMV.  Chemistry is a big part in the hobby.

Not fair? You must be kidding!Perhaps if you throw a proper temper tanthrum she will see you agin for free and do all you want LOL :)

Remember Frawley, this is a VERY personal business and even if you are squeaky clean, dressed well etc. there may have been something else about you that turned her off you may have had a personality clash and when that happens with me, it definitely affects a meeting with someone in a negative way-how could it not?...I have had to refuse meetings based on phone conversations in the past and on occassion, told someone to leave within a few minutes of a meeting because i could tell that we awere not a "match" or told him afterwards to not call me again based on their personality or behavior. It sounds to me that you are hard to please based on your posts and remember reviews are written for fun, for entertainment purposes only, many are completely in the mind of the reviewer and not based on reality and by no means should be read as absolute gospel, as some people think...we have all been the victims of fantasy reviews and the moderators have no way of knowing that when they are posted obviously...IMHO of course.

Gee,Do you think it will work...I mean throwing a temper tanthrum....She was Pretty Hot young lady,I did almost cry when she said NO to BBBJ......Very Bad for my Self Esteem.              If their are one or two reviews in, or They are written a certain way ,yes I agree....But when their are 8 saying the same thing,and you check the reviewers and see that they have made other reviews of other providers and those reviews appear proper...You have to believe your reading a correct review    If its not some personal problem or problem with clients appearance,actions aditude etc.....   Their is no reason for provider to provide as she has in the passed,They full well know that clients read reviews in order to pick the best provider it suit their needs....and providers want what they offer known for busniess sake.....their is a lot of competition out their and A Provider has a right to offer what they want to offer...and a client has right to pick a provider based on what they offer.....IF their is change in the providers services,then old reveiws should be removed from the reveiw boards....The Internat has changed this Busniess or Hobby a Great deal ,much or which is for the better...Their still always will be a rough element involved in the Hobby ...but more and more Mainstream people are becoming involved theirfor service improves,also due to competition and review boards....With review boards RIP OFFS are more differcult....Who would of heard of GFE+ experience 10 years providers proudly advertise that to get customers...lets keep truth in advertising alive.....

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